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ID Please?

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  • ID Please?


    We purchased this Tarantula the other weekend, the seller sold this one as a Fire Tarantula - Euathlus sp.

    However we've spent some considerable time looking this up and have come to the conclusion that we've possibly purchased a Eupalaestrus Campestratus female or a variant of a Chile Rose.

    She is eating like a horse, we have had her for 2 weeks now and she has eaten a cricket every day sometimes 2. Very docile, has taken up residence in a hollowed out cork bark trunk, and regularly spins a web across the front. Temperature is around 70 -75 deg, humidity is between 65 - 70 %. Hope this is okay for her.

    Identification would be appreciated, Can anyone please advise?


    Attached Files

  • #2
    Looking at a grammastola rosea I reckon it probably is one. It's still very nice looking even if it's not the spider you wanted. What you really want to make sure is that you were not sold an adult male tarantula as they don't live too long.

    Ps: you are feeding it way too much. Be prepared for a few months of fasting if you keep up this feeding for much longer.
    Last edited by Tom Forman; 12-04-08, 01:57 AM.
    <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


    • #3
      Its a G. rosea, by the looks of it an RCF
      sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


      • #4
        Campestratus are really pinky colourd more than rosies. i would say you have a rosie. good eater as well, my rosie only eats 1 crick a week. please do not over feed her as this is called power feeding and sometimes can make them live less. do not feed her every day.
        hope this helps.


        • #5

          Thanks for your replies, shes a great spider, whatever she is. She is really entertaining, spinning webs, moving soil out of her burrow, and spending hours grooming herself. Last Night she rubbed her rump for about half an hour, before moving on to each leg, she looked so comical. I think she is happy with her new home, but I will be placing her on a diet from today!

          Thanks for all the advice.


          • #6
            Yup looks like a nice G. rosea RCF. I have one who also eats like a pig, she would chow down on crickets 24 hours a day if I let her. I think the RCFs must have all the appetite that normal rosie's have a reputation for lacking! Enjoy your new buddy


            • #7
              Does look like a RCF rosie, but can you take a pic from above and behind a tad. Looks a bit like a Paraphysa scrofa too. It would have a very distinct hourglass pattern on the abdomen.


              • #8
                i would say Grammostola sp conception at a wild guess


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Taki Tsonis View Post
                  Does look like a RCF rosie, but can you take a pic from above and behind a tad. Looks a bit like a Paraphysa scrofa too. It would have a very distinct hourglass pattern on the abdomen.
                  As requested here's a few more photographs.

                  Many thanks all,


                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Grammostola rosea "RCF".
                    No any sign for being Paraphysa species at all.

                    wesley flower : would say Grammostola sp conception at a wild guess
                    Your guess is very wild... what makes You guess like this?
                    All the best,
                    Mikhail from Russia

                    Welcome to:


                    • #11
                      Yup, those new pics rule out Paraphysa.


                      • #12
                        lol Mikhail, he did say it was a guess.

                        I like taking a guess too even though i have very limited first hand experience with the different species.

                        Good thing we have ppl here that do have the experience to pop up and tell us whenever we are going in the wrong direction
                        <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


                        • #13
                          Yes, it was said was guess but when You made a guess do You usually based it on something?
                          The guess for being a sp. concepcion is on possible seeing an extra scopula pads, but if its not clear. Thus we need exactly the scopula pics or good view of underside of Your tarantula.
                          All the best,
                          Mikhail from Russia

                          Welcome to:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mikhail F. Bagaturov View Post
                            Grammostola rosea "RCF".
                            No any sign for being Paraphysa species at all.

                            Your guess is very wild... what makes You guess like this?

                            could well be


                            • #15
                              Thus I would go really wit the Lee's and Caco's comments.
                              All the description used by Howard gives nothing for the possible ID of the rosea or sp cpncepsion thingi - only the scopula gives a clear guess.
                              All the best,
                              Mikhail from Russia

                              Welcome to:

