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T Apophysis Info

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  • T Apophysis Info

    Hi all, I'm on my 5th now I'm not allowed loads (yet) so I have to pick carefully! I have acquired a 4" cb T Apophysis and can't really find much detailed information on them. I was wondering if it is worth while recording behavior, moulting dates, sizes and living conditions. I'm no expert so any info I record will be purely observational. Please let me know if there is anything else I can include to help.

  • #2
    for T. apophysis:
    Temperature: 27-30
    Humidity: 75-80%
    Give your spider lots of burrowing soil, conditions like H. lividium, will grow very big so you might need a big tank. Yes all observations are helpful. Best wishes.
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      Keep as many notes as you can Kirk, they're always good to look back at and refer to.
      You could write it up and submit it as a "beginners view" guide to tarantula keeping for a future BTS journal
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        Hi Kirk
        I have about 200 T's and I keep records on all of them.
        I think it's very important. It's also interesting to see how fast and how slow certain species grow.
        You could also consider keeping records of feeding, like when fed or how much.
        Enjoy your T apophysis
        Watch your thoughts, they become words.
        Watch your words, they become actions.
        Watch your actions, they become habits.
        Watch your habits, they become your character.
        Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
        - Unknown

        Species I currently have


        • #5
          Thanks for the replys guys, the temp and humidity are looking fine and he's got plenty of cocofibre/peat to burrow with but seems happy in his hide for now. I will be keeping records of feeding and growth, I've started already. As for submiting the notes as a "beginers view" guide to tarantula keeping for a future journal, that could be a big help to newbees. I will make the notes simple honest and detailed in the hope they might one day be used, cheers.


          • #6
            If you can read German then this is a nice book to have. Or if you can't read German this is still a nice book to have. There also some nice articles in a few back ishues of the BTS journal about this species. Join up and you can download these.

            [ame=""]Riesenvogelspinnen: Theraphosa blondi & T. apophysis. Art für Art: Boris F. Striffler: Bücher[/ame]



            • #7
              That looks great ! I can't read German but my Girlfriends family are German so I will invite them all round so they can read it to me They'll love it ! I am a new member of BTS but I can't for the life of me bring up back issues of journals I know It's prob something I'm doing but it won't accept my membership no. I am technologically retarded.


              • #8
                This may also help a bit:
                All the best,
                Mikhail from Russia

                Welcome to:


                • #9
                  thanks for posting info, i just got an apo juvie myself!
                  Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                  -Martin Luther King Jr.

                  <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                  My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mikhail F. Bagaturov View Post
                    Mikhail, I think that you may need to update your site

                    It is not bred in captivity.

                    There have been several reports on breeding T blondi in the last few years.
                    Didnt Mr Tesco himself have some luck breeding his blondi a short while ago ?

                    I am probably totally wrong in all this but if you dont ask ........


                    • #11
                      Hi Peter!

                      I knew of they're once bred finally but I can't access my site admin area
                      All the best,
                      Mikhail from Russia

                      Welcome to:


                      • #12
                        Didnt Mr Tesco himself have some luck breeding his blondi a short while ago ?
                        Yep I am happy to say I had success end of last and start of this year.

                        I also know that before this there have been successful breeding of T.blondi by:-
                        Carl & Sue Portman (UK)
                        Ray Gabriel (UK)
                        Stephen Keeling (Germany)
                        Brigitte Hayen (Germany)
                        Someone from the US called Tom (goes by the name Philth on some forums)
                        And I expect there are many others that I don't know off.

                        All the best
                        Last edited by Chris Sainsbury; 23-04-08, 10:37 AM.


                        • #13
                          Really Chris??
                          I'm also believe that dinosaurus still existed and living in this world but just need to be found.
                          I know a lot of people who bred every tarantula and keeping a lot of species of which nobody knows...
                          So, what?

                          Who will benefits in this world if they died with these knowledge and experience?
                          All the best,
                          Mikhail from Russia

                          Welcome to:


                          • #14
                            Why the disbelief Mikhail? I don't quite get you?

                            Ray Gabriel (UK) Notes on the Husbandry and Captive Breeding of Theraphosa blondi Journal of the British Tarantula Society - ISSN 0962-449X , February 2003, Vol. 18 No.2 (pp. 54-57)

                            Brigitte Hayen (Germany) Zeitung oder Kokonverwurf: SpĆ¼ren Vogelspinnen den Zustand ihrer Brut anhand von akustischen Signalen aus dem Kokon? Beobachtungen bei Poecilotheria und Theraphosa. Arachne Journal 12, Jahrgang, Heft 6, November 2007 (pp-36-40)

                            Carl & Sue Portman (UK) Think there may be and article in a back ishue of the BTS Journal but not sure?

                            Stephen Keeling (Germany). Personel friend of mine who breeds a fair amount of stuff yet never puts pen to paper (but then there is no law saying he has too)

                            Someone from the US called Tom (goes by the name Philth on some forums) sorry only know it from this post but I see NO reason to not believe him.

                            Me..I will put something on paper when I am good and ready if that day comes even.

                            Found a couple of others for you.....

                            Garratt, M. 1991.
                            Captive breeding of Theraphosa leblondi the Goliath.
                            Journal of the British Tarantula Society 6(4): 12.

                            Kirk, P. 1989.
                            Some notes on breeding Theraphosa leblondi (Latreille, 1804).
                            Journal of the British Tarantula Society 5(1): 10-11.

                            Some French ones also but I can't be sure if they are about captive breeding or not as I speak no French (I also can not be bothered to translate for the sake of this post)

                            Sorry Mikhail, but just because you are not awhere of the published information it does not mean it is not in existence.
                            So your attempted sarcasim about dinosaurs was I think unfounded. As I think you can now see if I died tomorrow there is still plenty of information published for the world to keep on turning.
                            All the best


                            • #15
                              Hello Chris, my dearest German friend

                              First, I don't know about Stephen Keeling has had bred T. blondi or not, but I knew of many people sold CB T. blondi around the world.
                              I'm also don't know the German language, sorry thus i can't tell You what is descibed in the Arachne article, but as You may knew I always keep my eyes open for any paper from the Ray's hand and the one You ref of February 2003, Vol. 18 No.2 has nothing regarding the practical process of breeding of the T. blondi in captivity, but maybe just these:
                              "It is my opinion that a logical way to start a successful breeding group of T. blondi
                              is to buy a dozen wild-caught animals, 6 females and 3 pairs of different aged males
                              in May (all my wild-caught females have been bought in May at the BTS show). House
                              them all identically and wait for the egg-sacs to be produced (to get your 4th
                              generation of males for breeding). Then you should find that your oldest males will
                              moult at the same time as the females, so all are ready for breeding at the same time.
                              Mate the females after a very heavy feed, give them a rainy season and hope for the
                              best." (written by Ray Gabriel, excerpt from the article).
                              As a whole the article is dedicated to the sac producing of the WC spiders and getting the various sacs with data adds.

                              As for other refferences I'm sorry, I also does not have them but I suppose they listed something the same unless would be no so activity over the breeding this species in captivity and I know exactly how in fact most of the CB T. blondi spiderlings sold in the trade....
                              As for te Tom, yes, I also knew him long time from AB and I definately have nothing to tell his a cheat, but You as well as me and many others definately knew that many-many people in this world mix CR with CB's.
                              So, it is really nothing for "sorry", Chris and dinosaurus still maybe living in some lost place in this wonderful world...
                              So, I wish You strong health at least for time You'll need to manage to write some manuscript regarding the detailed breeding of the T. blondi by You personally and promice I will look after Your health for this time
                              Last edited by Mikhail F. Bagaturov; 24-04-08, 12:57 PM.
                              All the best,
                              Mikhail from Russia

                              Welcome to:

