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  • Books

    has anyone else had difficulty getting books on tarantulas i hear there are quite a few abot and that i should own a copy of r.n.baxters keeping and breeding t's but by gosh i looked every where for diff books and cant find hardly anything there is only 2 places i can find the obove mentioned book thats in the b.t.s journal and there is one on amazon lol other than that its a rare time ive actually found a book

    can anyone help me here please im trying to read up and research as muvh as i can about this, not as im new even though i am lol but i really want to know everything i possibly can about everthing do to with this wonderful hobby
    Proud B.T.S Member

  • #2
    Here you go Naython, a thread from February should answer your question.

    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      Get yourself along to the BTS expo in May as you can find a nice load of books there.
      Also at many European expos there are some really good book stands.
      Failing that look in some good second hand book stores and online book stores.
      Its all out there it is just a matter of finding them! (damm that last bit sounded like Mr Portman.....If anyone sees him btw send my regards.)


      • #4
        yeah im off to bts23 cant wait lol, hope to pickup some there i got a decent list of books i want but its the finding em thats the problem amazon seems best but the fact that all teh books i get are form diff sellers im paying 30 quid in bloody postage and packaging and thats ridiculous wish i could find one store that does em all and id be happy
        Proud B.T.S Member


        • #5
          Here are a few to get your mouth watering

