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Adult Pokie enclosures

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  • Adult Pokie enclosures

    Hi all. Was just wondering what enclosures everyone uses for their adult Pokies. I have had a good look on the net and can not seem to find anything suitable apart from Exo Tera's which are gonna be to expensive to buy quite a few of. Pictures and ideas would be much appreciated!!!



  • #2
    I'm a fiend for buying huge Metallica girl loved to wander around and bask in different areas before she hid away to have eggs! I use plant pot and plastic plants to create caves and hidey zones, as well as open areas of substrate as she seems to like digging (??!!!) too!
    Everybody has different ways, cereal tubs are good too, and they are a nice option for space saving if you have a large collection of pokies. I know Peter Roach has some lovely photos around here of his very well organised collection too.'s my favourite little madam!!
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I use 15" x 18" x 12"" Clearseal tanks with viv lids. Great for both arboreal and terrestrial spids. For colonies use Exo-Terra 24" x 18" x 18" though to be honest ifg you've got transport ring Custom Aquaria in Northampton. I'd use them but they don't deliver near me.
      All the best
      sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


      • #4
        Have a look here at my 3 P. rufliata in a sweet jar:
        My Collection - Summer 2011


        • #5
          Where did you get that big sweet jar. I have looked but can not find any that big??




          • #6
            There's a traditional sweet shop near me, I asked and they let me have some. If I had room in the car I'd take a load up with me to BTS.
            My Collection - Summer 2011


            • #7
              Better still, find a traditional sweet shop, buy a full jar of flying saucers, cola cubes etc etc, scoff the lot. Come down off the sugar high two weeks later and and brush your teeth thoroughly, then hey presto, 1 empty sweet jar for your new pokie enclosure!
              Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


              • #8
                Cereal tubs from ASDA do me fine, especially as they are only £1.93 each


                • #9
                  Nice looking job there peter, just wondering though. How many and upto what size can you house pokies in one of those before having to transfer to a bigger enclosure?

                  My Collection: - Support CB


                  • #10
                    EH WOT !!!!

                    Bigger enclosure ????

                    I move pokies into these when they are 3-4 inches and they stay in there.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peter Roach View Post
                      EH WOT !!!!

                      Bigger enclosure ????

                      I move pokies into these when they are 3-4 inches and they stay in there.

                      Me too! All my adult pokies in the exact same one's (ASDA awesome!)


                      • #12
                        What sort of size are those cereal tubs??



                        • #13
                          they be 5litre. and about 12" tall- if that helps... not at home to mesure at the mo


                          • #14
                            Ive got my H. Maculata in exactly the same ASDA box with the grey lid with cork tube at the same end, cheap and works well, especially with the cereal opening at the opposite end for feeding through. Long tweesers are handy for cleaning out as its a bit thin for sticking your hand in..

                            I did drill a load of holes in the lid as well though for ventilation

                            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                            • #15
                              If youget 5 litre ereal containers they're about £3 each, put a line of small holes about 1 inch from the top. Add mre holes in the top or cut out a section and tape net curtain material over the gap. get a bin liner and cover half the container vertically. inside place about 1-1.5 inches of soil and cork bark (a tube is best). Keep the temperature between 27 and 29 degrees and mist the inside of the container lightly morning first thing and at night before you go to bed. The spider will drink the water droplets but watch the substrate, any sign of mould and remove it immediately. Also mist less heavily. Any problems let us know.
                              sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

