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Is honesty always the best policy?

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  • Is honesty always the best policy?

    Is honesty always the best policy or have I put my foot in it with my big mouth?

    Today I went to a local indoor tropical rainforest attraction that`s mostly for kids. They have Marmoset monkeys, snakes, butterflies, leaf cutter ants, parrots, Cameleons, Caymen, Dart Frogs, Fish, Bats!, Butterflies, Toucans etc and even Tarantulas!

    They do handling sessions with millipedes etc and some T`s (G.Roseas).

    I was looking at their tarantula collection and the keepers admit to me that they don`t really know much about them as they were left by the previous owners. So I proceeded to give them some tips and advice and they were well impressed and got his notepad out and was taking notes.

    Now looking at their collection they have a T. Blondi, G.Rosea, P.Regalis and one labelled Cobalt Blue!!! But when I saw it I nearly p****d myself. It was actually a very nice 5" P. Metallica in a very terrestrial setup (apart from the terrestrial setup for arboreals the enclosures were very good and gave me some inspiration for my own. And to be fair they specialise in reptiles, mammals, birds etc and appear to be very good at it but not arachnids). He said we have another 3 of those ones through the back that were left to us!!!!!!!! (a bit smaller but still good size and he showed me them and they were crackers)!!!
    My big mouth then told him exactly what they were and how they should be kept and how much they COST!!!!! So there was my big chance gone when he said he was looking to aquire some more docile T`s for handling sessions (another G. Rosea) and possibly would have traded with me............but not any more.......

    Oh least I can get in for free now!! I always fancied a Gooty!!! At least I feel better now that they now know how to care for them properly so that`s my silver lining!!!!
    Last edited by Colin D Wilson; 28-04-08, 02:32 PM.

  • #2
    When are you going to the hospital to have your foot removed from your mouth ?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Peter Roach View Post
      When are you going to the hospital to have your foot removed from your mouth ?
      Yeah thanks for that. I know I`m a***hole for doing it, don`t ya think I`ve tortured myself enough?
      Last edited by James McAleese; 28-04-08, 08:35 AM.


      • #4
        I think you were right James, at least you know they will be kept in the right conditions now, good for you, I would have done exactly the same.
        spider woman at Wilkinsons


        • #5
          lol! not sure what i've had done, but hopefully the same, as i feel that honesty *is* in fact the best policy.
          there are people attempting to breed these that tend to be fairly generous, so there's a good chance you'll be able to get some spiderlings soon...
          and those will almost certainly be cheaper!
          so there's another silver lining
          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
          -Martin Luther King Jr.

          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


          • #6
            So, where was this place James? sounds interesting.
            I find as soon as you mention prices to some people you can instantly hear "ka-ching"
            My Collection - Summer 2011


            • #7
              Well done James. In a world where we hear so much bad things on the news, its nice to know that there are decent and honest people still out there. Your little tale brought a huge smile to my face
              Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


              • #8
                It`s in Strathclyde country park, M&D`s, it`s called Amazonia. Motherwell, Scotland. They have a website but the content is old and doesn`t have the new T`s listed on it.


                • #9
                  karma works in a strange way but I strongly belive in it.

                  Christians like to believe in an afterlife and how all deeds get rewarded or punished after you are dead, well that is one way to look at it but I much prefer my way of thinking that all your actions have direct consequences in your present life.

                  You do a good deed today and it will repay you in the long run, when you least expect it, could be the same day, same week, maybe one month down the road.

                  If you have got a nasty character, bad things will happen to you, then you will start wondering why life is so harsh to you. You might end up doing something nasty cause you feel life is treating you the same but karma will just get you back and you end up in a spiral of bad things happening.

                  I lead my life trying to be friendly, honest and do good things. I used to be a grumpy sod for a good year of my life and it just wasn't nice, crap things kept happening and I would hate life for beeing so cruel.

                  I'm telling you, you beeing honest is the right way to lead your life.

                  You might regret not having got a bargain but who knows, if you had exploited this person you might have ended up with a broken leg next week
                  <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


                  • #10
                    I like Toms Karma reference, it's very true.

                    I'm a great believer in "if it feels good, do it" and "dont regret what you've done, regret what you haven't done").

                    If you feel better for what you said then that's it, no-one elses opinion matters, and after all the welfare of the spider is what we're all here for.
                    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                    • #11
                      well not all Christians believe that particular view of reward and punishment in the "after life", just to add at least not put so simply.

                      i'd just say it's good to be good to people and honest, with or without the "reward" aspect - ie seeking what benefits the other person, not so the doer gets a pat on the back or a warm feeling, but simply to benefit that other person. (disclaimer: no i'm not claiming to be able to do this! lol)
                      yeah it can come back to you, but that's not the point.
                      but it looks like you did that, James, and that's great! bet the spiders in particular are "happy!!"
                      of course it's gutting you don't have an uber cheap metallica at this moment, but i'm sure you'll have one some day.
                      Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                      -Martin Luther King Jr.

                      <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #12
                        Hi James,
                        Like Mary and the others I'm proud of you. In 2 year's time when one of those female metallicas is pregnant the man there will remember you and your help. Then who'll be getting cut-price P. metallica slings! Always do what is fair and just by yourself and others, you'll never go wrong. Cheers!
                        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                        • #13
                          Wow you are all so nice.

                          This would have been me.

                          Cobalt Blue OMG I love Cobalts... How much? Ohh and you have four? If I take em all could you cut me a deal. And then if he goes on about the price thats when I'd bring in the you do know these are Asian and nasty right.

