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BTS Expo Blessings...

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  • BTS Expo Blessings...

    They say the devil makes work for idle thumbs...well I have 8 of those so I can't keep them all busy all of the time... lol

    Seeing as Hug-Fest 2008 now approacheth...oops, I meant the BTS's a special *Noodle Composition* in the spirit of our hobby...

    So, on your knees, bow your heads...ohhh okay...just grin along a little bit...and recite with me *The Tarantula Keeper's Prayer*:

    Our 'phobema, who art Robustum,
    Theraphosinae be thy name.
    Thy Klugi come, thy Albopilosum,
    Ephebopus as it is Rufescens.

    Give us this day our Eumenophorinae,
    And forgive us our Crawshayi,
    As we forgive those who Crawshayi against us.

    And lead us not into Tapinauchenius,
    And deliver us from all OBT's.
    For thine is the Chilobrachys, the Paraphysa and the Gigas.

    Avicularia Avicularia,

    *shameless touting...please forgive me, supreme beings of the forum*
    Also...if anyone can afford to bid on a very worthwhile auction...Arachnophiles Forum has a Cancer Research charity bid currently in action.
    There are many spids to be won on this auction (including T.Apophysis), as well as two crazy slaves for the day at the BTS slave who will fetch and carry, the other who will haggle demonically to get cheap spiders!
    Auction finishes tonight at 8pm, top bid is £ if you can help us, please join in, saving lives is priceless!

    Forgiven,.....Good Cause!!!
    Last edited by Colin D Wilson; 08-05-08, 11:40 AM.

  • #2
    Lou thats priceless babe
    spider woman at Wilkinsons


    • #3
      Thanks Mary!! It's what happens if I let my mind wander for even five seconds...I suddenly turn into Pam Ayres with attitude!! LOL


      • #4
        amazing, though i don't think i'd be able to forgive those who crawshayi against me... that's just plain mean!!
        Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
        -Martin Luther King Jr.

        <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          lol thats pretty neat lou, i jusst hope you dont try and make us all recite it when we get to the show!!!!
          Proud B.T.S Member


          • #6
            Originally posted by Naython J View Post
            lol thats pretty neat lou, i jusst hope you dont try and make us all recite it when we get to the show!!!!
            Naython, has no one told you? That's how you get in, and if you can recite it backwards, there is a special VIP section where Ray, Mark and Colin will be providing free drinks. But keep it sshhh, its a secret
            Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


            • #7
              lol well thats me taking the week of work yto learn backwards gibberish hmmmmm i wonder if theres a book i can read on that !!!!
              Proud B.T.S Member


              • #8
                Originally posted by Louise~Nichols View Post
                Thanks Mary!! It's what happens if I let my mind wander for even five seconds...I suddenly turn into Pam Ayres with attitude!! LOL
                LOL , you're going to have to explain to the younger forum members who Pam Ayres is Louise, I wonder what percentage of them have never heard of her. Are we showing our age? I wonder if she has been 'you tubed'


                • #9
                  I remember Pam Ayres and i'm the same age as Lou.....23 this year
                  Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                  Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SylviRigden View Post
                    LOL , you're going to have to explain to the younger forum members who Pam Ayres is Louise, I wonder what percentage of them have never heard of her. Are we showing our age? I wonder if she has been 'you tubed'
                    ummm... who? actually just checked Discogs and her album Will Anybody Marry Me is only a year older than me so didnt miss her by much ( so that makes me how old? ..... )
                    Last edited by Stuart Common; 08-05-08, 09:07 PM.

                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      Thankies all for giggling along with me!

                      Ahhh to feel ancient in one easy hit!! lol Good job I didn't mention Joyce Grenfell either...

                      Ooohhh noooo...please don't send me to a *granny farm*. LOL I'm still looking youthful...ask Ray Gabriel...he says I'm 19!!


                      • #12
                        Pam Ayres , now theres a name for you. I must relate a funny story to you that happened a few years ago. On a visit to that infamous mischief maker, Carl Portman, we found ourselves in a backstreet in Bicester. Carl had told us that on one of his trips to dingy old bookshops he had got talking to the owner of a particularly dingy shop and it turned out that he was a huge Pam Ayres fan. He had boxes of books about her, poems, lifestory the lot. So Carl hatched a cunning plan. My self and Angela went in first and after a quick shifty round I asked did he have any Pam Ayres. His little eye lit up. " I certainly do" he replied rummaging beneath his desk. I looked through the box and at that two more of our clan walked in. Totally ignoring us they looked around and then asked if he had any Pam Ayres. Again his eyes lit up. " I cant beleive it" he said. "twenty years and not a single book sold and then two enquiries in the same you know each other?" "No" I replied..."what a coincidence" Then the door opened and another two of our evil group entered. When they asked if he had any Pam Ayres I thought he was going to have a cardiac. " My wife wont believe this he said"
                        At that the arch villan himslef, Carl Portman entered. It was only then he twigged. His language was colourful.

                        The epitaph to this story.......we ALL bought Pam Ayres books from him.
                        ( Mine was autographed" ) If your out there mate ....sorry.

                        PS Look up her excellent poem " I wish I'd looked after my teeth" Superb

                        PPS Ray G says you look 19? he reckons Angela is only 28........
                        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                        • #13
                          lol Ray, that's an amazing story! at least you bought the books

                          i just read that poem, it is class!
                          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                          -Martin Luther King Jr.

                          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            LOL!! That's sooooo deliciously it!

                            Ahhh yes, I know *I wish I'd looked after me teeth*...but my fave is *Will I have to be sexy at sixty*, her humour is so spot on.

                            I'm sure the wonderful Ray G must need a guide book on how to *correctly guess women's ages* on earth he thinks I look 19 is beyond me!! But there again...ya can't beat an ego massage!! LOL Keep it up Mr Gabriel...just don't go any lower than 19...I'm not wearing a school uniform again!! (Well okay...maybe for charity!!)


                            • #15
                              woohoo school uniform!
                              you're clearly 18 Lou

                              The Emberassing Experience with the Parrot is my fave of hers so far!
                              Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                              -Martin Luther King Jr.

                              <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                              My Collection: - Support captive breeding

