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Help with cleaning out???

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  • Help with cleaning out???

    I have Sri-Lankan Ornimentalists that need moved from their tank in order to do a spot of cleaning, I have moved other T's in the past with out any problems as yet. The thing is I am anxious about their speed, my hand-eye movement aint up to speed with these nitrous-oxide speedsters....any tips on dealing with Spring cleaning and containment???

  • #2
    I'm sure I read somewhere that if they [fast spiders and insects] are cooled down they become slower. Somehow lower the temperature and you may notice a difference. However, if I'm wrong (on the advice that is), please don't shoot me down as I'm sure I read it on this site.
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      tbh most of my experience, although limited, with Pokies is that although they're reputed to move fast they tend to be more deliberate than zoomsters. So far I haven't experienced this when I've done some simple maintenance, and fingers crossed it stays that way, just try to be calm without sudden movements.
      The best advice I've been given is to provide some tubing for them - cork tubing or bamboo are common choices for Pokie furnishings but as a temporary measure you could try some guttering. Drive it into your substrate, let the Pokies move inside and stuff the top with tissue. You can then take the tubing out and clean at leisure. If you don't have tubing and you attempt the guttering idea you may have to wait a day for them to explore it but it seems a wise theory that one day I'll have to try.
      The alternative that I came up with a while ago is to create something that resembles a photographers film bag. Find a bag that will fit over the top of your enclosure, use some elastic to secure it over the top, create some holes to slit your tweezers through and clean away. It might sound over the top but you'd be assured that any runners can only go as far as the bag and that can easily be inserted back into the enclosure. Does this make sense?

      I always have an empty cricket box handy just in case I do get escapees.

      If I remember rightly you haven't had these very long, do you really feel the need to clean the enclosure?
      My Collection - Summer 2011


      • #4
        Andrew, is the enclosure top opening, or only front opening?
        Dont worry about the pokies, they arnt that bad. Just take the lid off and get going with your maintenance the same as any other spider. Just be very aware of what they are capable of and treat them with respect.
        Dont rush, just take your time, and always have a cricket tub handy as Peter said.
        Alternativly, cut the top off a 2 litre bottle and catch it in that, it should run up to the top. Now just place something under it such as a piece of cardboard, remove the pokie and your sorted.
        Then when you come to putting it back in its enclosure, if your that nervous, put it in the fridge for 5 mins, that will slow it to a crawl.
        Hope this helps!


        • #5
          Hi Peter, the tube method works well for my OBT too. Most of the time he hangs out the end like a hermit crab, but when I disturb the tank he dissapears to the bottom. Retanking him should be very straight forward.


          • #6
            Hi Andrew, how are you? I don't bother cleaning the spids out unless there is a massive infestation of mites, etc. If you are 'deliberate' in your actions when cleaning them out (if you are sure you really need to!) and you think ahead (about what they might do or where they might run to!) then there's no need to worry about them! Why do you think you need to clean them? Some of my T's haven't been cleaned out for a very long time (no comments please!!) but they are OK. The worst case sceneario (is that spelt correctly!?) is that they escape but they always tend to head upwards, so you'll eventually find them on the ceiling!! I often find spids on my spider room ceiling!! I must remember to make the holes in the tubs a bit smaller!


            • #7
              Thanks you guys

              Well I have not had them for very long, its just that I have two of them in the one tank and they have messed on the sides of the tank so I think it is due a clean. It is not totally messed up but it needs a clean. I also feel I need a taller tank as the T's are or seem to be acting like ground dwellers and burrow a bit, well one does (two in one tank and one in the other) I think they are ok though. They eat well and have molted on a couple of occasions.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Andrew Murdoch View Post
                Well I have not had them for very long, its just that I have two of them in the one tank and they have messed on the sides of the tank so I think it is due a clean. It is not totally messed up but it needs a clean. I also feel I need a taller tank as the T's are or seem to be acting like ground dwellers and burrow a bit, well one does (two in one tank and one in the other) I think they are ok though. They eat well and have molted on a couple of occasions.
                You will usually be allowed by ornamentals of most species to clean the poo off the sides of the tank as long as you go slow keep your distance.

                In my experience pokies are defensive but not aggressive. Meaning they will attack if provoked enough but would rather run away if the oportunity is there.

                If you dont get too close you should be ok. Most of mine just hide as soon as you open the tank, and they stay there whilst i wipe the glass of the vivs.

                Just concentrate when your doing maintenance.
                Last edited by Dave Freeman; 29-05-08, 07:56 PM.


                • #9
                  ok.... im hoping this helps... i found this vid a while ago, and its quite interesting and instructive. (obviosly this might not work if you have an aggressive T etc lol)

                  (also wrong species.. .but they still all climb, so wouldnt have thought it would be that much different)

                  [ame=""]YouTube - Poecilotheria rufilata - New Home[/ame]


                  • #10
                    I go along with Mr McIntyre and treat spiders just like I treat my underpants:-

                    I hardly ever, if ever clean them!



                    • #11
                      Hi All, hey Chris, I do clean my underpants at regular intervals, namely once a year especially for the BTS Show Or do you think that's too often

