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My female has a problem

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  • My female has a problem

    Hello people,

    I'm afraid I think my female grammastola has got some sort of problem.

    I noticed about a week ago that she had bits of dirt stuck to her bum.

    Today she had a really big chunk stuck to it so I thought I'd pull it off with some tweezers. Not sure if I accidentally pinched one of her spinnerettes doing it but she scuttled off straight away.

    Anyway, I was able to see that her spinnerettes seem clogged up with web.

    Has any1 seen anything similar? Any advice on what I should do?
    <<< Waxworm specialist >>>

  • #2
    I remember reading "somewhere" that a GBB had a problem webbing after a moult, it was noticed there too, that there was a build up of web around the spinnerettes. this individual moulted again fairly soon with no ill effects and after the following moult was able to web without problem again.
    As far as i remember the owner didn't (and couldn't) do anything to help the spider.
    Maybe this is the case with yours Tom, hope so Mate.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      thx colin,

      i do feel like giving her a sponge bath but i know she wouldn't approve.

      No ill efects for over a week now except for bits sticking to bum so hopefully should be ok.
      <<< Waxworm specialist >>>

