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Gloria throwing a tantrum.

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  • Gloria throwing a tantrum.

    I, like most of you will check on your tarantula first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
    Last night after Heroes I went to check on Gloria before heading off to bed. It would appear she has had a tantrum and flipped her plant pot hide over 180 degrees. The bottom of the plant pot was into the corner near where the tape measure is. Now look where it is!

    I'm telling you, since she moulted, she has really gained an attitude. Before, she would shy away from crickets, almost like a little girl (sorry ladies, I'm not sexist, honest!!). Now she almost gives them a quick glance before grabbing a cricket.
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.

  • #2
    the bigger they get the more they like to mess a nice tidy tank. lol

    one thing i do is not cut a plant pot in half, instead i sink it into
    the soil about half way so the spider is still getting the same size
    space to hide in but this way its secure into the ground and
    they cant flip it.

    (i also cover the top with soil too so you cant see the plant pot
    just a hiding place for the T, you get a another level the T can climb
    on too. but its just cosmetic for my sake really)
    'A Woman's Prayer:
    Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death'


    I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning thats as good as their going to feel all day.


    • #3
      just a side note, i think you can do without the stone in the
      water dish.
      once her leg span is bigger than the dish she'll be fine.
      (if drowning was the reason for the stone)
      'A Woman's Prayer:
      Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death'


      I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning thats as good as their going to feel all day.


      • #4
        My G. rosea did the exact same thing the other day, but she did a load of digging and half-buried the flipped flowerpot as well. And both my GBBs started trashing their tanks yesterday. I think the warmer weather has sent them all a bit crazy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dee Pluck View Post
          just a side note, i think you can do without the stone in the
          water dish.
          once her leg span is bigger than the dish she'll be fine.
          (if drowning was the reason for the stone)
          Ha ha. Its only to prevent the crickets from drowning. Somehow I get the impression they are more stupid than the tarantula and require all the help they can get. Daft? I know
          Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


          • #6
            You know it doesnt matter how much you make their home look just right they will do what they like. thats why these days I fill the tank with substrate make a dent in the soil and put the spider in. After two days theya have settled in and then I introduce hides etc.

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            The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
            [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


            • #7
              I'll try that Ray. We are moving house pretty soon (fingers crossed) so once we get through the doors and Gloria is out of her travelling compartment (which is yet to be found/bought) I'll definitely try that method.
              Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
                Ha ha. Its only to prevent the crickets from drowning. Somehow I get the impression they are more stupid than the tarantula and require all the help they can get. Daft? I know
                lol, ****runs and hides in shame******

                of course it is. doh!
                'A Woman's Prayer:
                Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death'


                I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning thats as good as their going to feel all day.


                • #9
                  Tarantulas eh. I stupidly put a bit of cork bark in my B. smithi's tank, standing vertical and looking "arty". He's now kicked it over and dragged it off to his cave. He's sone nothing special with it, just leaves it outside to stand on when he's in the mood.
                  I did the ame for my B. bohemi. That ones now lying over by the water bowl. He stands on it to sunbathe and keeps one foot hanging over thee edge in the water to keep cool. Blooming thing thinks he's a lizard!
                  sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                  • #10
                    lol. this is why i love tarantulas so much... there such crazy little critters


                    • #11
                      i like to think of tarantulas as the lawrence llewlyn bowens of the animal world lol. i make a point of never puttin much decoration in with a tarantula because nine times out of ten, i make it look nice and pretty and over night, the T usually decides that it doesnt like what i have put in there and where i have put it and moves things to where it wants it. i had a t.blondi and put the sticker sucker plants for fish tanks in there, it ripped all 3 of them off, moved 2 of them to a different place and buried the other one at the opposite end of the tank. now all they get is half a plant pot, which if they move i just leave it where they put it but make sure it is the right way up for them to hide under, they have their water dish and i have this thing about putting spider man figures in the tank in weird and funny positions as decoration, strangely this seems to be the only thing they dont move lol, they must have good taste.
                      put a pot of paint and a brush in the tank and see what sort of ideas she comes up with for her home lol

                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by matthew spooner View Post
                        i have this thing about putting spider man figures in the tank in weird and funny positions as decoration, strangely this seems to be the only thing they dont move lol, they must have good taste.

                        No way!! I thought about this but thought it would be taking my geekdom to a too high a level

                        Great minds obviously think alike Matthew.
                        Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
                          No way!! I thought about this but thought it would be taking my geekdom to a too high a level

                          Great minds obviously think alike Matthew.

                          they certainly do andrew lol. i just think it adds a bit of fun to them

                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding

