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  • spiderlings

    Hello today i bought 4 spiderlings 1 salmon pink birdeater 1 curly hair 1 red knee and 1 red rump. leading up to buying these spiders ive been trying to find out wether or not i shouid put a piece of wet tissue or cotton wool in each jar for the spiderlings to drink from every website i find says something different i dont have anything in there at the moment does anyone know wether i shouid have or shouid i just let them drink from the substrate? any info wouid be gratefully recieved thanks

  • #2
    When i first started i used tissue paper and found it went mouldy and smelt so for slings i just keep the substrate damp for adults i use a shallow water bowl with fresh water every day.


    • #3
      If you feed the spiderlings foods such as squats/crickets you will find that they get enough moisture from the food.


      • #4
        thast not true lol, they need moisture to moult
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        • #5
          thast not true lol, they need moisture to moult
          It is true lol.The spider will benefit from the moisture in its prey but I never said that you don't need humidity to aid in the moulting process...


          • #6
            Originally posted by conway
            thast not true lol, they need moisture to moult
            So how does P murinus moult in such low humidity environments then?

            None of my tarantulas have a waterdish, regardless of size.


            • #7
              We normally only use a water dish to aid humidity . Not realy for the T to drink from.
              Ian M

     updated 22/06/06


              • #8
                *hides in a corner* lol, well i use a waterdish, got one in one of my murinus tanks, although i havent watered his tank for, then again hes just moult, looks big now
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                • #9
                  to be honest i always thought that keeping the humidity high for a species such as p murinus would only AID during moulting but i guess it doesnt neccessarily mean that it wouldnt succesfully moult? it does come from a very dry country afterall. thats just the way i see it my p murinus has had a moult recently too...they grow pretty well!


                  • #10
                    I agree with Ian, water dishes are good for keeping air humidity, i have never seen a spiders burrow in the wild with a water dish.

                    Saying that though i do not tend to give my spiderlings waterdishes, only small s/a and upwards. Spiderlings can die if they have to much humidity, average room air humidity is around 60 -70% .

                    Some spiders do drink from them

