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goliath Theraphosa blondi

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  • goliath Theraphosa blondi

    hi there
    a wee question,i just got Theraphosa blondi female and she has only seven legs shes about 9 or 10" leg span, it is the right side closest to
    the abdomen ,i think you call it leg IV will it grow back after a moult or
    two the guy i bought it from said she lost it in her last moult.

    cheers for any info


  • #2
    Stan Schultz's book, page 32 and 33, show a tarantula that has lost legs II and IV (pg 32) and then a picture of the sam tearantula three years later with the legs fully restored.
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      As far as I'm aware she should grow her leg back over two or three moults. I may be wrong but at that size she may not have many moults left though. Fingers crossed for her though.

      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        I have had several spiders which had 7 legs when I got them and they all grew them back. They were slings tho. But an adult T should grow theirs back too, just might take a few moults before it is the same size as all the others, it will look a bit skinny til then.


        • #5
          I have an adult Ornithoctoninae G. sp. "Orange Fringed" which had 7 legs when got her last year. She now has 8 full sized functional legs after 2 molts.


          • #6
            Goliath Bird Theraphosa blondi

            thanx for all the info just made a wee mistake with her size
            just measured her and she is only 7" she just looks so big compaired
            to all other Ts.

            cheers john


            • #7
              Originally posted by John Boyd View Post
              thanx for all the info just made a wee mistake with her size
              just measured her and she is only 7" she just looks so big compaired
              to all other Ts.

              cheers john
              Excellent, thats good news. You shouldn't have any worries about it growing back now

              My Collection: - Support captive breeding

