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Pyro the B. auratum: The Moult

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  • Pyro the B. auratum: The Moult

    Hey everybody!!

    I've been away for a while... so anything I've missed, pleased tell me!
    Other than that, hello to everyone I know/talked to on here, and hello to all the new members!

    Pyro, the B Auratum I got from Louise, is moulting right now! It looks amazing but the tarantula looks kind of like it's having a spasm on its back!!

    This is the first moult I've seen (but not experienced) and it's really great to be able to watch this. I'm really fascinated by both Pyro and the webbed mat underneath him/her (hopefully I'll get to know when I get a hold of that skin).

    I'll be giving it the best cricket in a week's time!

    Thanks people,

    Last edited by Richard Gallon; 15-07-08, 04:55 PM.
    Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
    Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

    Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Moulting: Update

    Okay, Pyro has just kicked off the last of its old skin. So far all I can really see is the new areas of red are a lot brighter than the last, but that is it.
    Pyro is in a huddle in the corner, seemingly not coming out within the next few minutes or so...
    therefore, I should get a decent pic when I wake up, with size change details.

    Here's a pic from just before the removal was completed...

    Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
    Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

    Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • #3
      Looking good Richard. That's a nice photo you've taken there. How's Cube getting on?
      Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
        Looking good Richard. That's a nice photo you've taken there. How's Cube getting on?
        Lol thanks; my HD cam Stabilisation on it is rubbish though...

        I. Cube is good, seemingly. I think s/he is going to moult again, cuz the abdomen has grown quite dark and s/he doesn't seem to be eating!
        I remember when I. Cube first came out, the tarantula was throwing itself at every cricket.

        There was this one cricket that was walking towards the edge of the flower pot, and Ice Cube was underneath, and the cricket gets to the edge and Ice Cube, out of nowhere, twists and launches itself at the cricket, then suddenly drawing itself, with the cricket, back to the flower pot and out of sight!
        All in a few seconds...

        It was the most entertaining kill I've seen so far!

        What about Gloria? Is she good? How is her abdomen looking?
        Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
        Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

        Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Hey again Rich!
          Long time no see...and I've been absent as well; I've been lurking in dark corners and kicking urticating hair everywhere, lol, I'm joking about the lurking!
          Congratulations on Pyro's moult, (how big now? )
          and lovely to hear how *Lil Ice Cube* is doing too, I'm so pleased you're getting so much enjoyment from them.

          Good to see ya again anyhow, talk to you soon.


          • #6
            Welcome back Rich. Pyro is looking fantastic, a perfect moult. Its been pretty busy for me at the mo, lots of maturing Poecilotherias (both female and male). Three rufilatas this weekend (1male, 2 female) especially when they were already supposed to be mature!!! Glad you're back!
            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Louise~Nichols View Post
              Hey again Rich!
              Long time no see...and I've been absent as well; I've been lurking in dark corners and kicking urticating hair everywhere, lol, I'm joking about the lurking!
              Congratulations on Pyro's moult, (how big now? )
              and lovely to hear how *Lil Ice Cube* is doing too, I'm so pleased you're getting so much enjoyment from them.

              Good to see ya again anyhow, talk to you soon.
              Not too much bigger, perhaps about half an inch. His colouration has changed though; s/he's a lot brighter than before!
              I wanted to sex Pyro from the exuvium, but the abdomen part was completely messed up, as Pyro must've forced it to break apart.
              And then, I was taking pics of the skin, but my N95 case has become really crappy so my phone slipped out, crushing the skin and shattering one and a half legs off the body.
              Lucky it wasn't the real thing!!!
              Yeah Ice Cube is kl, but way too small and most of the time is away hiding, or out but prepared to run if interrupted.
              I think IC will moult soon though; although I can't see the cricket right now, I think that it hasn't been killed and IC is fasting.

              Yes, definitely; good to talk to you again too
              Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
              Welcome back Rich. Pyro is looking fantastic, a perfect moult. Its been pretty busy for me at the mo, lots of maturing Poecilotherias (both female and male). Three rufilatas this weekend (1male, 2 female) especially when they were already supposed to be mature!!! Glad you're back!
              Hi Nicola
              Yeah, I think it was a perfect moult, and Pyro is getting the fatest cricket I have on Saturday. I think seven days is suffiecient?

              You're going to breed your pokies??

              I could never breed them; way too much time and effort spent into seperating them into film pots, killing crickets and feeding for each individual one, and everything else....
              that is way too much for me!
              Rufilatas are a nice-looking species, but I don't think I want another T.!!

              Thanks Nicola!
              Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
              Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

              Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Yes Richard I wouldn't mind breeding them. Just waiting for the last two to moult then I'll knoww what I've really got.
                sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
                  Yes Richard I wouldn't mind breeding them. Just waiting for the last two to moult then I'll knoww what I've really got.
                  kl, well good luck if you decide you can go ahead with it!!
                  Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
                  Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

                  Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

