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Did anyone see last night's Eastenders?!!!

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  • Did anyone see last night's Eastenders?!!!

    Unbelievable! Perfect example of why the general public have such a disdainful view of tarantulas. Portaying what was clearly a chilean rose as a dangerous spider that has brought one of the characters to near death!!! Why do they not do their research?!!
    Claire Beckett

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

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  • #2
    Yeah, the acting abilities of the Grammostola rosea stood out head and shoulders above those of the other cast members - lol.

    I cringed when the poor sod was dropped onto a hard tarmac surface (but fortunately it appeared to get away with it unscathed).



    • #3
      So I guess I should feel lucky that there are only a few domestic shows/series in my country and they don't involve tarantulas.
      Spider Myths | Curious Taxonomy | The World Spider Catalog - Theraphosidae

      "We are all taxonomists." -Judith Winston
      "The laws of biology are written in the language of diversity." -Edward Osborne Wilson
      "Principle of Priority - the oldest fool is always right!" -H. Segers & Y. Samyn


      • #4
        Well Said Claire,

        Even my Mum who has no experience with tarantulas, called me in and said, "Theres a chilean rose in Eastenders, they must be letting on its one of them banana spiders!!" LOL.

        But a very valid point about the general public having such a fear of big hairy spiders, because they are bigger than an average house spider, they must be deadly!!! Its programmes like this that are making most people narrow minded when it comes to tarantulas.

        2xB.vagans, B.smithi, 2x L.parahybana, L.polycuspulatus, G.aureostriata, C.fasciatum, B.albopilosum, B.boehmei, P.pulcher, H.maculata, C.crawshayi, L.violaceopes, C.cyanopubescens, 3xP.irminia, 2xP.murinus RCF, 2xP.cambridgei, C.fimbriatus, C.schioedtei, A.pupurea, A.azuraklassi, A.versicolor, H.lividum, P.reduncus.


        • #5
          unfortunatly things like this helps flagging ratings for crap like eastenders.

          Still as our Chairman often points out "todays news is tomorrows chip paper".

          Did the spider have a work permit I want to know.
          British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

          The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
          [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


          • #6
            At the risk of sounding daft, has anyone complained to the BBC? You are right that it is ignorace but nothing will change until action is taken. If enough people complain you might get on "Points of View". I didn't watch it myself because I can't stand Eastenders, but if you like the show to see it portray tarantulas like that is horrible. If they'd done that on "New Tricks" or Holby City" I'd have sent the BBC the worst e-mail they'd ever had! Following on from Ray's point, was the spider a member of Equity?
            Last edited by Nicola Dolby; 18-07-08, 09:15 AM.
            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


            • #7
              LOL, this subject is appearing on lots of forums.
              Surely they only portrayed the public perception of tarantula but hopefully they'll take the opportunity to dispel the myths in the next episode. OOOOH I can't wait!

              1 down, the rest of the cast to go!
              My Collection - Summer 2011


              • #8
                If they'd put the spider in charge of the scripts they might've had a better storyline! Following on from what Peter said, If they wanted to make it realistic but safe (knowing most of the public wouldn't know the difference), why didn't they use a Cupiennius, or a Steatoda?
                sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                • #9
                  Exactly Nicola,

                  Either of the two would have given the scene a bit of realism about it.

                  Pity they didn't use a real Brazilian wandering spider that would've been good to watch the whole Eastenders cast being bit left, right and centre!!! LOL

                  2xB.vagans, B.smithi, 2x L.parahybana, L.polycuspulatus, G.aureostriata, C.fasciatum, B.albopilosum, B.boehmei, P.pulcher, H.maculata, C.crawshayi, L.violaceopes, C.cyanopubescens, 3xP.irminia, 2xP.murinus RCF, 2xP.cambridgei, C.fimbriatus, C.schioedtei, A.pupurea, A.azuraklassi, A.versicolor, H.lividum, P.reduncus.


                  • #10
                    Oh i was cringing last night watching eastenders. I appreciate the supposed 'comedy value' of picking up a box of fruit and not noticing theres a bit fat hairy chile rose RIGHT ON THE TOP OF EVERYTHING! But then when it went into his shirt and it STILL took him ages to realise there was a spider in his shirt... I thought they took the comedy element a bit to far coz it just wouldn't happen!

                    But be truthful who wouldn't notice something like that!

                    Poor little tarantula it didn't look right happy did it? I think it should sue for being mentall scarred for life!
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11

                      Yes i am a sad man who watches crappy day time telly but im currently watching doctors on bbc1 and there is a brazillian wandering spider running around the surgery disguised as a chile rose that some bloke got free with his bananas !!!!! Why do i never get a free arachnid with every purchase of fruit i get ? Gonna complain too tesco's that i aint getting my free gifts!!
                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #12
                        Ok I want to put my head on the chopping block here. We know using tarantulas the way Eastenders did last night does no good to the hobby nor the spiders. Funny to us but to those who don't know about tarantulas it only promotes phobia. The BBC has a responsibility not to do this but they won't change unless they realise people aren't happy about it. Given thishow about people who are unhappy about this logging on to the BBC website and making an informed, constructive complaint. I know it would probably get us nowhere but its about standing up for our hobby (Ihope I wasn't related to Lenin in a previous life)! Have a go and lets see what happens!
                        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
                          Ok I want to put my head on the chopping block here. We know using tarantulas the way Eastenders did last night does no good to the hobby nor the spiders. Funny to us but to those who don't know about tarantulas it only promotes phobia. The BBC has a responsibility not to do this but they won't change unless they realise people aren't happy about it. Given thishow about people who are unhappy about this logging on to the BBC website and making an informed, constructive complaint. I know it would probably get us nowhere but its about standing up for our hobby (Ihope I wasn't related to Lenin in a previous life)! Have a go and lets see what happens!
                          Im with you on this one !!!!!! Anyone else? I think a general complaint from the bts thats signed by the members who want too sign it should be written and sent too show who is and how unhappy we are with the portrail of our little obsessions (I know im obsessed with arachnids) . The voice of many is louder than the voice of one !!!!!
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            Thanks Matthew, thats 2 of us!
                            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                            • #15
                              Thats 3 of us!
                              Claire Beckett

                              My Collection: - Support captive breeding

                              to be updated additions

