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  • Pokies

    Hi all, I recently purchased some P. Mettalica and P.Subfusca from our friend Lee at thespidershop, they are my first pokies and I was worried to start with as I want to see them through to adulthood and they are not cheap ( but worth it ) Then I seen the size of them and really worried, but one of the Mettalica moulted on Saturday. Unfortunatley I did not see it but it is in good shape ! so I feel a bit more at ease now. Did any one get any of the last batch ? and if so how are they doing ? My T. Apophysis also had a good moult and has grown quite a bit and is showing some fantastic red hairs on its abdomen. Sorry to go on I'm just happy.

  • #2
    Not purchased from Lee yet but I do have 4 subfusca living communally. Try not to keep them too hot, apparently that changes their temperament.
    My Collection - Summer 2011


    • #3
      For P. metallica,
      As slings feed on small maggots (pre-killed), 2-3 a week is fine (you can get these from any fishing tackle shop). When grown up to 3-4cm start on small crickets and when 7cm feed normal crickets. Humidity 70-75 and temperature at 27-29 degrees. Put cork bark in the container for the spid to climb on and cover a part of the container, creating a dark space (remember Pokies are nocturnal.). Also remember to tailor the tank to the size of the spid, its no good if he/she can't find the food. For water/humidity you can lightly spray one bit of the container wall with water, the spid will drink this and in my limited experience of pokies profers it to a water bowl. Slings might get enough moisture from the food but still spray once a day for humidity. You'll need an inch of substrate (I use ordinary soil) to anchor the bark, but thats the only reason.

      For P. subfusca the same but make the temperature 21-25 degrees. Also with the temperature being lower humidity might be easier, but keep an eye on ventilation. I nearly slipped up this way recently.
      Good luck.
      sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


      • #4
        Thanks thats pretty much how i have them, the Mettalicas are about 1.5cm and the Subfusca about 3cm - the mettalicas are in a small jar with a cm of coir and a piece of cork bark with some holes I've drilled in so they have a hide from light. The jars are in a open tank with a heat mat on the side of it so I can move them closer or away accordingly. The second Mettalica has just finished moulting now and is fine yey !. The subfusca is probably my favorate, I cant wait till It's bigger I might be able to see him then !

        Keeping four must be fun, subfusca didn't strike me as the most social t's. How big are they and how long have they been together ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kirk McNulty View Post
          Keeping four must be fun, subfusca didn't strike me as the most social t's. How big are they and how long have they been together ?
          I made a mistake, I have 5 living communally and they get on very well, its hard to get good photo's of them in the sweet jar but here's a few i recently took. They're approx 2" LS but very different sized abdomens.

          My Collection - Summer 2011


          • #6
            lovely spiders!
            are you planning on keeping any other communities?
            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


            • #7
              I have my 3 x P. rufilata:
              5 x P. subfusca
              and 4 P. ornata
              is seperate community enclosures.
              I'm up for more Pokie communities and I'm keen on trying a community of A. minatrix
              My Collection - Summer 2011


              • #8
                That really is fantastic, I'd love to keep them communally it's just too much to keep an eye on at the moment but maybe one day. The pics are great they are amazing looking things. Are they from different egg sacks or the same ? Do you know what kind they are (lowland or highland) I hope I didn't just make that up ! I'm sure I've seen them called that somewhere ?


                • #9
                  I'm not sure how to tell the difference between Highland and Lowland form and didn't get a reply when I purchased them. I've seen a thread where some argue there's a difference and others argue the opposite, I stayed out of that.
                  So far, my communities are from the same egg sac but I've heard that it doesn't have to be the case. For now, I'm not risking that
                  My Collection - Summer 2011


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Peter Lacey View Post
                    I'm not sure how to tell the difference between Highland and Lowland form and didn't get a reply when I purchased them. I've seen a thread where some argue there's a difference and others argue the opposite, I stayed out of that.
                    So far, my communities are from the same egg sac but I've heard that it doesn't have to be the case. For now, I'm not risking that
                    As far as im concerned Peter, the 'highland' and 'lowland' forms are colour varients- might be worth you PMing Ray G and asking as i think he has the same opinion as i do on them, but he can explain the reasoning behind this belief better then me

                    EDIT:- lovely community pictures!


                    • #11
                      good to see you again Oli!
                      Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                      -Martin Luther King Jr.

                      <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #12
                        I'd separate those ornatas before they get too big If not you'll just have one big fat ornata! On the subject of P. subfusca, the "highland" form has a darker coloured carapace and is smaller. apart from that the "forms" are the same. It is questionable even as to whether they can be called regional variants as with P. murinus, as the subfuscas seem to ocupy the same area (just that some live further up the mountain). good luck!
                        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the info Nicola, I read about the ornata before so I'm expecting I'll have to seperate them as they get older, shame :-/
                          My Collection - Summer 2011


                          • #14
                            I know what you mean. What makes it worse is that P. metallica are just as bad!
                            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

