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My locusts keep dying - before they get eaten that is!

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  • My locusts keep dying - before they get eaten that is!

    hi guys and firstly can I just say it is good to be back! Work is great but the inability to 'log-on' to anysite containing a blog or forum is highly frustrating!! Still School's out for Summer so here I am, and I have a quick Q...

    My locusts keep popping their clogs before Ruby and Tallulah can 'pop' them if you see what I mean, they are just not keeping well at all. I have so far assumed that this might be due to the recent increase in temperature but wondered if anyone had any other ideas and indeed wanted to gather opinions on the best environment in which to keep ones tarantula fodder?

    In other news, the girls (both G rosea) are both fine although Ruby's eating pattern has been sporadic as of late, I anticipated a moult but then she ate again, but didn't want her last offering? Perhaps, again, it is the heat? Tallulah continues to dig and landscape at will and has taken to throwing all the water out of her water bowl at radom intevals? She is a strange one.....

  • #2
    Locusts ideally need to be kept in a very well ventilated enclosure, in the shade (80 deg's max really) with a good water supply (not spraying though) and fresh food (romaine lettuce, apple, etc)
    They should do very well in this environment, and something to climb upon would be beneficial and aid in moulting.

    As far as your tarantulas go, temp, humidity, daylight exposure, whether or not there's an "R" in the month...could all have an effect on their daily habits.
    I wouldn't be too worried about pattern change, in fact it's really what makes keeping these animals so interesting in my mind.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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