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3 spiders in the tank when there should be only 1

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  • 3 spiders in the tank when there should be only 1

    Just took a look at my young smithi to find a very small, slender black spider in the cage too. It's body length must have only been about 5mm or 6mm but it moved like greased lightening. So whilst trying to remove it (without killing or injuring it) from Gloria's cage (she was getting a bit flustered), I noticed another spider in there! This one looks like an orb weaver. But take a look at the full stop on your keyboard. Well it was about that big, but with legs!
    The black one quickly ran up the side of the tank, over the edge and was away (like a mini pokie!). But the little tiny one is still there. I cannot see how to get it out without killing or injuring it.
    Any comments or tips, or should I let it stay there?
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.

  • #2
    I have a similar problem with house spiders moving in with my pokies. the tarantulas don't mind but if its stressing your tarantula out move her, clean out the tank and put her back. If she's not an adult I'd do it anyway for her safety.
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      i found a tiny one like you described in the cricket tub with my minax when i got it home, promptly forgot about it til now! it was odd

      good you got the other out, no telling how venomous it might've been to the T
      Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
      -Martin Luther King Jr.

      <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Almost a year ago I foolishly put a spider from the house in with my G. rosea. It was a Stone Spider and it jumped onto my little rosea (despite being considerably smaller) and I had to pull them apart.
        Since then I've stayed clear of a similar situation, tarantula may have a bad reputation but what we consider to be house spiders after often quite aggressive hunters.
        My Collection - Summer 2011


        • #5
          Talking of which I've found a little web in my rufilata tank. Still, the visitor is about 1cm and my largest pokie 17.5cm. And I've got to put my hand in that bark tube to sort it out!!!!! Blooming house spiders!
          sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

