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Help with Cyclosternum pentoralis

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  • Help with Cyclosternum pentoralis

    Now Im not sure if its deff is a Cyclosternum pentoralis because in the shop it was marked up as Cyclosternum fasciatum, anyway that dont matter so much..

    It might be me just being over worried but Im not sure if Im keeping it in the right enviroment. I have it in a Large exo terra on Coco Fibre Substrate, it has a plant pot sunk into the ground and a small log. The spider seems ok but im not happy with it climbing up the sides of the tank all the time, seems like it wasnts to get out. I have a heatmat but not used it yet as the temp hasnt dropped below 74F yet. It is eating but I feel somethings not right.
    Also I read that they are heavy webbers, Mines only done a little bit on the floor of its pot and a bit up the side of the tank.

    Hope some one can help.

    Now I have read up on the species many times on the net and depending what site I go on I get different answers.

    One site says 75-85F and 80% humidity another says 75-85F but 60% humidity.

    What shall I do, Do I need to get the heat mat on and get the temp upto 80F but what humidity ?

    Hope I can get some help off some one who has kept one for a while.

    Cheers, Stu
    My T's: Grammostola rosea, 2x Brachypelma smithi, Avicularia avicularia, Theraposa blondi, Cyclosternum pentoralis, Poecilotheria metallica

  • #2
    Hey Stuart,

    I would'nt worry too much, from my experience 2 members of the same species can be completely different. I have a C. Fasciatum and shes not a prolific webber either. But yours might be climbing if the substrate is too damp, I've noticed mine prefers pretty dry substrate, I just spray her chunk of sphagnum moss for humidity.

    Hope this helps,

    2xB.vagans, B.smithi, 2x L.parahybana, L.polycuspulatus, G.aureostriata, C.fasciatum, B.albopilosum, B.boehmei, P.pulcher, H.maculata, C.crawshayi, L.violaceopes, C.cyanopubescens, 3xP.irminia, 2xP.murinus RCF, 2xP.cambridgei, C.fimbriatus, C.schioedtei, A.pupurea, A.azuraklassi, A.versicolor, H.lividum, P.reduncus.


    • #3
      Hi Stuart.
      I wouldn't worry about the climbing or the webbing. It is most likely just getting used to it's new environment. I have had T go a few weeks of constant climbing before settling in. Also once it's comfortable it should start webbing as well. Not too sure about the C pentoralis but I keep my C fasciatum with a water dish that I over flow once in a while. I also keep the temp in my T room at 70 all year round.
      Hope this helps a bit.
      Watch your thoughts, they become words.
      Watch your words, they become actions.
      Watch your actions, they become habits.
      Watch your habits, they become your character.
      Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
      - Unknown

      Species I currently have


      • #4
        Cheers for the replys guys, Its prob just me over worrying lol, I just like to make sure my pets are kept as best as possible.
        My T's: Grammostola rosea, 2x Brachypelma smithi, Avicularia avicularia, Theraposa blondi, Cyclosternum pentoralis, Poecilotheria metallica

