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4 months waiting

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  • 4 months waiting

    for rotten eggs

    I don't think I've been this disappointed about anything ever.

    I dunno why but I've had a funny feeling for a while that this sac was gonna be bad.

    Even worse I woke up today to find the mother - one of my favourite T's - bleeding from the underside of her prosoma and I have no idea how it happened.

    Today sucks

  • #2
    Is it serious leakage or repairable with some talc etc

    Real shame about the eggs Kate, still i would take it on board as a learning curve and try again, try not to be to disheartened
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      really sorry to hear about the eggs Kate
      do try again though
      hope you can sort out your other spider too
      Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
      -Martin Luther King Jr.

      <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Shame about the eggs going bad, but if you look on it that at least you manged to get a sac which has given you more experience..some people dont even manage to get their spiders to lay a sac..there's always the next time..
        as with your spider rupturing somewhere maybe she has fallen onto her water dish or something else thats in her tank.. I dont put any furniture in any of my tanks incase this sort of thing happens..once my female Genic managed to split her carapace with only a waterdish and her hide in her container..the only thing she could have done it on was her water dish..she could have been upside down on her roof and fallen off onto the waterdish.. I managed to stop the leakage with some talc though...always better to have nothing in their tank that they can fall onto and hurt themselves...hope she's ok though


        • #5
          Hi, sorry to hear about the sac and Mum Kate. My egg sac looked much the same too - I think its a 'little' more tricky than they make out to get egg sacs hatched.
          Have you still got the male and is he going strong? How about borrowing my RCF female, she is due a molt but I could put her on heat and push it along. I got her at Kempton last year and she hasn't molted with me.


          • #6
            Sorry to hear about that Kate, but a sac is still an achivement love.
            spider woman at Wilkinsons


            • #7
              Well the good (no, great) news is that I was mistaken about my female, she wasn't bleeding after all. I think she was dribbling, as they sometimes do while cleaning themselves, and it ran down and dripped off her 'chest' making it look like she was injured. But she's fine

              I am kind of gutted about the eggs but it's ok. It is better to not have the babies than to lose the mother imo. I showed the photo to someone on Arachnoboards and he said to him the eggs look infertile so maybe the male I used was a dud. I don't know how long he had been mature when I bred them.

              At least I know that she is easy to mate and didn't try to eat the sac! I will spoil her for the rest of the year and try to breed her again after she next moults, and this time I will try and make sure I get a really fresh male.

