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G.rosea Possible Moult?

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  • G.rosea Possible Moult?

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to say thanks for all posters in this forum it has been a great help. I recently aquired a G.rosea and I am not sure if she/he is about to moult. I can see the dark patch on the abdomen but not sure if this a sign of an impending moult or possiblt just some hair shedding during transport. Bill (as my daughter has named him/her) also does not seeminterested in food (although I know they can fast for long periods).

    I have attached a photo (apologies for the quality but it is from my phone)


    Attached Files

  • #2
    My G.rosea's abdomen looks like your g.roseas, I gently touched it yesterday and quite a few hairs came off on my finger.
    Mine's due for a moult now, she's gone off her food and she's gone quite dark, I'd say yours is due to moult too.


    • #3
      Hi Samantha,

      Thanks for that, as I said she is acting a little stange. I tried her with a couple of smallish locusts and she just let them walk over her left them in for a day but have taken them out again, she has come out of her hide now and has gone to lie next to the heat mat (which does seem to be her favourite spot). I will see how she is in a few days
      Last edited by Brendan Owens; 25-08-08, 02:19 PM.


      • #4
        cant really tell whats happening in that pic, but if its skin under the hairs is darkening and becoming a dark mattish black, then prob is coming up for a moult. it does sound like it, also if you see her kick her/his hairs, and the hairs are very "fluffy" and come of in clumps etc, then id say yes.

