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Stopping crix from breeding ?

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  • Stopping crix from breeding ?

    Last night I looked in my Tiger rumps tank and saw loads of baby crickets, Now my Mrs will kill me if she finds out lol as this is why I had to get rid of my Green tree frogs and fire belly toads.

    Is there anyway apart from using other food of stopping crickets layin or hatching ?
    I dont seem to have had any probs in my other tanks, the Tiger rump hadnt eaten for a while and I didnt notice the adult cricket still in the tank or i would have removed it.

    Which crix lay, and can u tell male and female? I know some have different bum things lol. sry, some have one big pointy thing and some have a V shape pointy thing or maybe is just the breed.

    Anyway, any help would be appreciated
    My T's: Grammostola rosea, 2x Brachypelma smithi, Avicularia avicularia, Theraposa blondi, Cyclosternum pentoralis, Poecilotheria metallica

  • #2
    Answered this on the t-store, but just to re-iterate, the ones with the long pointy thing (it's called an ovipositor and it's what the eggs come out of), are the females

    Drier tank, or no females would probably solve your problem

    My Collection:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Phil Rea View Post
      Answered this on the t-store, but just to re-iterate, the ones with the long pointy thing (it's called an ovipositor and it's what the eggs come out of), are the females

      Drier tank, or no females would probably solve your problem
      Thanks Phil, tried posting on both for a more wider audience
      My T's: Grammostola rosea, 2x Brachypelma smithi, Avicularia avicularia, Theraposa blondi, Cyclosternum pentoralis, Poecilotheria metallica


      • #4
        I have long nails so I bend and twist the ovipositor when we put in females... they can lay eggs then. But if you have no nails a pair of tweezers should also do the trick... but not ya girlfiend / wife ones in case they go mad!
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          ive also read that if you put a damp pot of soil in with your crickets, the females will instintivly go to the damp soil to "lay there eggs" leaving the males behind... but i suppose this depends on how many crickets you have...


          • #6
            Those little tiny scissors found on Swiss Army Knives. Snip, job done!
            Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
              Those little tiny scissors found on Swiss Army Knives. Snip, job done!
              I have a swiss army wife that does it for me , as i have a taste for finger nails yum yum
              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


              • #8
                So Male ?

                and female?

                Just snip the long pointy thing off and that shold be ok then.
                My T's: Grammostola rosea, 2x Brachypelma smithi, Avicularia avicularia, Theraposa blondi, Cyclosternum pentoralis, Poecilotheria metallica


                • #9
                  yup thats right. but if you cant find scissors just bend the ovipositor, any kink in it will prevent eggs from coming out. If you give it a slight twist it splits in 2 all the way along the length of the ovipositor. Same again no eggs can be laid.
                  My Collection: - Support captive breeding

