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tarantula set ups

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  • #16
    Heh heh, thanks James...we seemed to have every Grammostola out and in the natural light over the weekend didn't we...some dramatic colour hue and tint variations that need more investigation i think !!!

    I did forget to check your pockets when you went home though
    Just having a re-count now
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #17
      Two "display style" setups

      Avicularia sp avicularia mated female

      P ruffilata adult pair (Peter Laceys Male)
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #18
        if i got another arboreal species, i think a nice simple set up like that would look good.... dunno why i alsways go for slightly more ott... well not ott... just not simple
        anyway... colin, the link to th l para vid


        • #19
          Thanks for that Jason...dunno why i couldn't find it
          Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

          Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


          • #20
            no worries, im sure you were just doing what i usually do... you start looking for something... see another thread.. open it and get side tracked.. forget what the orignal thread was called and call it quits lol


            • #21
              These are some of ours: -

              These are all our juvi T's (the little box on 3rd shelf down in a lil scorp)

              These are all the scorpions: -

              Then the sling / small juvi tank and the larger two T's (sat on the Water dragons to keep at a nice temperature
              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


              • #22
                Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
                Thanks Phil

                Linda, i had a look for the video you mentioned, even using the search function i couldn't find a video....maybe i was having a "man moment"
                Have you got a direct link ??
                Hi Colin, I was just about to send you the link for the egg sac, when I noticed that Jason passed it on to you. We have watched it twice, what an excellent bit of video don't you think Regards


                • #23
                  Hi Lisa, Nice pics. I am worried, is the T, top left tank on the first picture, sitting on the outside of the tank? We have a similar sort of set up, we bought metal and glass 5 tier shelving unit, which we find useful, and run a 4' heat mat longways, down the back.


                  • #24
                    Nice to see that you're prepared if any of them need their hair brushed Lisa

                    My Collection:


                    • #25
                      She could of tidied up a bit before taking the pictures !!! The spider on the outside is nipper my dead male avicularia avicularia we like too keep him on show .
                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #26
                        Thought i'd join in and throw one up here, it's the first enclosure so far using live plants. Designed for my Acanthoscurria chacoana, took a few days for it to settle in but after making a new burrow and causing general other chaos, things seem to be back to normal.

                        Oddly enough for this picture the spider wasn't sat right out in the open as it normally is, guess not everyone if a celeberity wannabe.

                        Used an ivy on the left side, a small ficus (thats going to need constant cutting) on the right, then covered the top back with spagnum moss.

                        This was all done really as I wanted a display tank, after trying and failing abysmally before to give a spider something I think would be good for a home, I went for the "this is your only building spot" option.

                        So far seems to have worked.
                        Attached Files

                        My Collection: - Support CB


                        • #27
                          Hey, don't worry too much on the set up. Moisture and some type of hide and the temp is all you need to worry about.
                          Personally i go with themes, My minax has a gothic set up, my lividum has an aztec set up (sorry no pic). My new albostriatum is going to have a wood theme etc etc. Also my collection of haplopelmas are being named after the four horsemen of the apocalypse, why? why not?
                          You have a T cos you enjoy them? then do your own thing!
                          I believe in the wild a T will make use of what it finds, so in captivity it'll make use of what you give it.
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Finally got round to redoing the enclosure for my Cyriopagopus sp "blue" girl.

                            All based on a 45cm exo terra, it's the second time I've used live plants. But I wanted to try something abit larger for water in preperation for some other projects in mind.

                            The water bowl is made up from expanding foam, a large tube of cork that goes a few inches into the substrate, then two small ivy's for climbing the back wall, a Dieffenbachia in the forground, and finally lots of spagnum moss used as floor covering.

                            Now just the waiting game for things to establish to start to look more natural than fake.

                            The only other thing I have tried with this setup was to paint the bottom, Used black paint to totally cover the bottom front and sides below door level, since this species will burrow I didnt want her ending up against the glass with light shining inside.
                            Attached Files

                            My Collection: - Support CB

