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Spider not eating! :(

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  • Spider not eating! :(

    Hey guys, I'm quite concerned about Matilda my chili rose. Basically she hasn't eaten anything in 7 weeks, 2 weeks ago she molted for the first time since I got her and I'm not sure if it's normal for them to go without eating before and after that happens. I've been feeding her locusts mostly, which I know she does eat because she's gone through at least 2 boxes (16 locusts) before with no problem. There's also a bowl of water in the tank that I clean and change water from every other day.

    Any advice would be appreciated. This is my first T and although I've had her some months now it's still a bit of a learning curve for me. I really hope I'm just making a fuss about nothing!

  • #2
    I wouldn't worry Anni, Grammostolas are renown (apparently) for fasting. Perhaps the little one is about to moult, they go off food for a time before this happens. Maybe he (or she) is just full!! PM one of the moderators, they could tell you more.
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Anni Weatherley View Post
      Hey guys, I'm quite concerned about Matilda my chili rose. Basically she hasn't eaten anything in 7 weeks, 2 weeks ago she molted for the first time since I got her and I'm not sure if it's normal for them to go without eating before and after that happens. I've been feeding her locusts mostly, which I know she does eat because she's gone through at least 2 boxes (16 locusts) before with no problem. There's also a bowl of water in the tank that I clean and change water from every other day.

      Any advice would be appreciated. This is my first T and although I've had her some months now it's still a bit of a learning curve for me. I really hope I'm just making a fuss about nothing!
      OK two weeks after a molt is not that long especially if she is adult. I suggest trying a different food source such as faster moving black crickets.

      I never use locusts as they can harbor a lot bacteria in their guts and this can make your tarantula ill too and in severe cases kill it.

      Locusts should always be feed for a few days before placing in with you tarantula.

      Should the the Black field crickets not work give her a few more weeks to get over the molt and try again. As long as she looks plump and there are no wrinkles in the abdomen all should be well. Make sure a water dish with clean water is on hand at all time during this fasting.

      Also check to see if your tarantula has not matured into a male!


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      • #4
        I had the same problem last year . Its something too do with seasonal change that makes them fast and the lack of prey in the wild as they dont lose there instinct in captivity , mine is due too molt and she stopped eating for ages but recently she has been taking a cricket a week and eating, I would not worry about it as they can go for months too a year without food.
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          As an extra to what Mark has said about locusts harbouring bacteria.

          Definilty feed them (good clean salad stuff) for at least a week before using them as food, this will help to "clean out" their digestive systems....also keep the locusts at a temperature in exess of 80 deg (with available water source) as their gut operation will be at optimum at this temp and will digest a good percentage of the bacteria that lives in their gut at the lower temps.
          Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

          Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


          • #6
            Hi Anni,

            As the others have said I wouldn't worry. I have had exactly the same scenario, since the molt Bill wouldn't touch Locusts any more in fact he seemed to be quite wary of them. This weekend I thought I would try some brown crickets. I accidently ended up dropping 8 medium/large in at one time and he went crazy for them, in fact I only had to remove 1 this morning

