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Sick rosea RCF??????

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  • Sick rosea RCF??????

    Ok so doing the feeding and such today, when I got to the RCF rosea, I found her with her legs curled under her, and cleaning/cheweing at her palps.

    When I placed a set of tongs against her, she procceded to pull them into her mouth also (abit very slowly). I have been able to even turn her over onto her back with no reaction.

    At first I would have said dehydration, however the waterbowl is always filled, she isn't thin or anything. She has been off her food for a few weeks, but no real signs of a moult (just typical rosea stuff really). When upside down I checked for signs of mites or anything else around the mouth and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

    So i'm at a total loss here, her actions (or lack of) show a very nearly dead spider, yet there seems to be no apparent causes. Currently she is "head" down in the water bowl just incase of dehydration.

    Anyone out there offer some advice?

    My Collection: - Support CB

  • #2
    You have done exactly what I would have done in that situation (which is not to say that it's the right thing). Unfortunately I don't think there's much else you can really do.

    Is she wild caught? If so it could be some kind of internal parasite.

    I have seen this constant palp movement in spiders, and sadly it usually is not good news.

    Check her mouthparts for a thick white discharge, just in case. In the extremely unlikely event that it is apparent, then she could have nematodes. If so, then quarantine her far away from the rest of your spiders, and make sure you don't use the same tongs in any of the other enclosures.

    Good luck in any case.

    My Collection:


    • #3
      No dischagre, I'm unsure on WC or CB, I got her as a sub adult around 6 months ago on a rehome, and up until now she has been 100%.

      I'd be lost as to how anything could have got in there, as I steralise all substrates with the microwave and again water gets the same treatement.

      My Collection: - Support CB


      • #4
        I agree with Phil on both of his main points.............

        1. You seem to have covered the options and there doesn't seem to be anything else to do

        2. Unfortunately it "could" be some sort of parasite so quarantine and steralisation are the key factors.

        It's a case of wait and see what happens mate, not nice i know
        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future

