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Sexing from a moulted skin

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  • Sexing from a moulted skin

    Hi guys,

    Mikey B (our L para) has finally given up on his old skin which was cast aside this week in favour of some rather juicy crickets which were devoured in seconds. All is well and we're just waiting to see which personality T we'll have this time!

    We've kept the skin but it doesn't seem to be in very good condition, partly because he sat on it for over a week and partly because the underside of the abdomen has separated from the bit with the legs (OK, I'm trying to learn here - carapace???) Now looking at guides on sexing from a moulted skin, this seems to be the key area to look. As it's not complete, is it worth taking some pics and posting them to see whether you experts could guess the sex from it? We'd need to do it this weekend because I have a feeling that the skin is just about to go on a grand tour of school 'Show & Tell' gigs!!

    Here's hoping!

  • #2
    Hi Jane

    Get the remaining bits of the moult and try to flatten them as much as possible
    If you can take a close, sharp picture of the bit them it's "possible" that it can be sexed....worth a try anyway in my mind..

    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      I've tried to flatten the skin out but it's so brittle and I didn't want to damage it. Hey ho - better luck next time!


      • #4
        Spray it with water, literally soak the thing with mist. It will then fold out nicely into whatever shape you want, simply leave to dry and observe at your leisure.

        My Collection: - Support CB


        • #5
          Soak it in some water with a single drop of washing up liquid in it. That will often the skin and you should be able to unravel it

          The area you're interested in is between the anterior (closest to the carapace) booklungs.

          Alternatively if it is not damaged, then you can send it to someone who will sex it for you

          My Collection:

