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grammostola sp north.

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  • grammostola sp north.

    hi there everyone just an enquiry. im interested in getting a grammostola sp north i,ve been in contact with the spider shop and they tell me i,ll have to wait untill december to january to order one. i was just wondering if anyone knows where else these spiders can be obtained or if anyone knows of anyone who breeds these spiders.

  • #2
    that really depends on whether you want the real sp North or the other one!
    i think there's some confusion as to which is sp North and which is Northern Gold...
    one is smaller and less fuzzy than the other.
    i'm after one of each really
    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3
      From what i've managed to confirm with some contacts in South America the first Grammostola to arrive here named as a "sp north" was the spider about the size of a rosea, with pink hue to carapace and covered in fairly dense white setae, this was named Grammostola sp "North" for pet trade purposes...the second arrival from the same area was a spider slightly smaller than the rosea, this has a more "biege" appearence to the carapace and is of a uniform golden brown colouration lacking the long white setae, this was named Grammostola sp "Northern Gold" for pet trade purposes.
      The second spider is the one to be found most often now in the trade and is commonly refered to.... Nothern Gold (Grammostola sp "North")

      Whether or not they are the same spider and the setae characteristic is regional (although the areas they are found are fairly close) is a task for the taxonomists.

      Lee from the spider shop has some examples of the first "longer setae" spider at the BTS expo in 2007 in think (they were on his web site anyway the same year with a great photo of three spiders (porteri, rosea and "North") for comparison), then in 2008 the second "golden setae" spider was for sale...both excellent examples of the species and reasonable priced if i remember.
      Martin Goss has since had some of the second "golden setae" type for sale, again at a very reasonable price.

      Links for both
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        ah right got mixed up! the "northern gold" title is the confusing bit, since they both get called by that.
        Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
        -Martin Luther King Jr.

        <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          hi james the grammostola sp north im after has a pink hue to carapace and covered in dence white setae i know there,s two types of this spider the other one being called grammostola gold. thanks for your help james.


          • #6
            hi collin the grammostola sp north im after is the one you described as having a pink hue to carapace with fairly dence white setae. i,ve heard of the other species you described but never seen it. i first saw the one im after on the spider shop,s web site. the information you`ve sent is very interesting to know and read. thank`s for looking in to it all for me collin much appreciated

