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Cith. crawshayi yearly habitat Q

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  • Cith. crawshayi yearly habitat Q

    I will be getting a MM crawshayi for my big freshly molted female next week. Heres the stumper, what should I do to replicate her natural climate to help stimulate her to lay a sac? It would be great to hear some opinions.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but here is what I'm going to try.
    It has been around 60-65 degs in her tank for about 5 weeks now. I want to make her feel like winter is here, but make it not so cold that it could throw everything off. I decreased the humidity during that time as well as feeding. As of a couple days ago, I turned her large heat pad back on. Tonight was the first time to begin flooding her tank. From here on out, I'll increase humidity/flooding to twice a week, then to every other day, as well as feedings. Next week the heat lamp is coming on. The breeding season for this species is actually during the rainy season. When it is very muggy, humid, and hot. I'll fatten her up, try and keep the humidity at a stable 60-80% and temp around 80-90. If anyone knows any pointers I should know to help me breed this species again and get a successful sac this time instead of dud like last, please feel free to tell me, or direct me!

  • #2
    I'd get in touch with Richard Gallon, he's our resident African spid guru, though I believe there are a couple of others who've bred C. crawshayi successfully (lucky so-and-sos). Myself I'm hoping to have a go at breeding in the new year so hopefully we'll both have some egg sacs for the summer. Good luck!"
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      Study the climatic data for Voi, Kenya, paying particular attention to wet and dry seasons. Remember that soil temperatures do not fluctuate as much as air temperature, they are lower and more stable (the soil acts as a heat reserve at night too).

      This site might help:

      Hope that helps,

