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Surprise! It's a boy!

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  • Surprise! It's a boy!

    Well Ruby threw 'herself' into a moult Wednesday just gone, it was all prgressing well, if not a little slowly and she emerged from her old self early Saturday morning. (I managed to save the moult and have made a nice replica Ruby). Finally got a close look late last night and thought...'are those tibial hooks I see before me?'...yse it appears my first 'bought' is now a mature MALE! and a very beautiful one at that, with lovely, long glossy legs. So I suppose it is time to do the decent thing (assume a sperm web is in the offing)...

    For Rent,
    one male Chile Rose, newly moulted...

    In all seriousness, I would be happy to offer 'him' for mating, he is a rather lovely NCF specimen with a good temperament. As I saw he is my first spider (I have another Chile, RCF this time, and I think she is definatley still a girl) so I would love him to propagate the species, if anyone in the Kent area is interested please get in touch. I have no expertise in thsi area, so would love to observe/be involved and have just a few little'es in return if things should work out.

    It was all a bit of a surprise, but not an unpleasant one, although it is sad to know that Ruby (Rubens) and I shall part company much sooner than I would have liked...

  • #2
    A Chile rose was our introduction to the hobby and came from a pet shop with the immortal words: "i think it's a female".

    Rosy subsequently moulted, changed shape and came up with tibial hooks!

    Not destined to be our longest living pet i think (the tortoise should take that title) but 'she' is a lovely specimen that we're all fond of

    There still seems to be quite a demand for Roses and Red knees.

    Good luck in finding a mate,
    Bitten by the bug!

    My Collection: - Educate, research, breed, enjoy

