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  • Why?

    Was there a complaint about this thread:-

    If not then I dont not get at all why it was closed? If Craig, Anita and I are going around in circles with our posts then is that not up to us? We are not being abusive to each other and we are useing the forum in a respectable way in just having a conversation. I didn't relise there was a rule saying you are not allowed to cover old ground or stray off slightly.

    A little bit mystified

  • #2
    No Chris, there was no complaint.

    The thread was originally about a spider being sold on ebay as livefood etc.. and was straying into evolution/animal rights/staged fights/ability or inability of inverts to feel pain/consequences of pet injury by prey and so on. Nothing to do with going round in circles, and even less to do with ebay.

    Straying off slightly is fair enough, but there comes a point where you diverge entirely from the original topic.

    Like I said, feel free to create threads on any of the topics mentioned



    My Collection:


    • #3
      Oh well I hope this doesn't happen at the lectures in feb if I talk to someone and the topic strays from what we were first talking about.

      btw it was going back on track, but it went off track a little because these "side topics" were put as part of the reasons as to why people agreed or dissagreed with the ebay sale.
      I mean I could have said that I agree with the advert because it was written in a nice shade of blue which happens to be my favriote colour and is also the colour of the sky on a fine day.
      This also has nothing to do with ebay but it goes a little way to explain my thoughts. As with any conversation it will turn off in a few different directions as you explain your points of view but I honestly don't see this as a reason to close a thread and put a stop to a civilized conversation. Personely for me I feel no point to continue or start in any conversation if someone can just stop it dead in its tracks for bring in the colours blue and green when the subject was yellow.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
        Oh well I hope this doesn't happen at the lectures in feb if I talk to someone and the topic strays from what we were first talking about.

        btw it was going back on track, but it went off track a little because these "side topics" were put as part of the reasons as to why people agreed or dissagreed with the ebay sale.
        I mean I could have said that I agree with the advert because it was written in a nice shade of blue which happens to be my favriote colour and is also the colour of the sky on a fine day.
        This also has nothing to do with ebay but it goes a little way to explain my thoughts. As with any conversation it will turn off in a few different directions as you explain your points of view but I honestly don't see this as a reason to close a thread and put a stop to a civilized conversation. Personely for me I feel no point to continue or start in any conversation if someone can just stop it dead in its tracks for bring in the colours blue and green when the subject was yellow.
        Well there we go Chris, you have your opinions and I have mine. What I will say is that spoken conversation is entirely different to typed conversation on a forum, so you can't really compare them. For example, generally when I talk to someone, I don't formally announce the topic first. Maybe you do?

        As for your colour based analogies, well they don't apply either. Furthermore I could hardly tell that you were going to go back on track, as unfortunately telepathy is not one of my talents

        To be quite honest, if you'd approached me privately with your points, and explained that you were bringing it back on topic, then I may well have simply reopened the thread and that would have been an end to it. There wouldn't have been any need for petulance, and numerous threads beginning with 'Reply to'

        My Collection:


        • #5
          we certainly do have our own oppinions.

          But if I had PMed you in private and asked you to reopen it, it would be like asking you for special favour, and I can't have that.

          BTW you didn't need telepathy to see it was going back on topic


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
            we certainly do have our own oppinions.

            But if I had PMed you in private and asked you to reopen it, it would be like asking you for special favour, and I can't have that.

            BTW you didn't need telepathy to see it was going back on topic
            I wasn't suggesting you PM me and ask me to reopen the thread Chris. I can't for the life of me see where I've said that.

            As for special favour, everyone is treated equally here.

            What I said was you could have approached me in private with the points raised in your first post, and then I would have gladly looked into it again


            My Collection:


            • #7
              I wasn't suggesting you PM me and ask me to reopen the thread Chris. I can't for the life of me see where I've said that.
              did you not mean a PM when you said:-

              To be quite honest, if you'd approached me privately with your points, and explained that you were bringing it back on topic, then I may well have simply reopened the thread and that would have been an end to it.
              did you mean I should have emailed, sent a letter, Phone pay a passing visit in my car? Sorry I thought you ment a PM.

              As for special favour, everyone is treated equally here.

              What I said was you could have approached me in private with the points raised in your first post, and then I would have gladly looked into it again
              no what you said was:-
              if you'd approached me privately with your points, and explained that you were bringing it back on topic, then I may well have simply reopened the thread
              unfortunately telepathy is not one of my talents so I wasn't to know you would look into it.

              all the best


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post

                did you not mean a PM when you said:-

                did you mean I should have emailed, sent a letter, Phone pay a passing visit in my car? Sorry I thought you ment a PM.
                Ok, evidently you're having a problem with your grasp of the English language this evening Chris.

                Of course I meant a PM, but not a PM to specifically ask me to reopen the thread as you suggested in your 'special favour' reply.

                What I actually said was that if you had sent me a PM raising your original points then I would have looked into it again, and quite possibly the thread would have simply been reopened without need for any rigmarole.

                Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                It is nice, and it's testament to that fact that this thread is still here

                Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                unfortunately telepathy is not one of my talents so I wasn't to know you would look into it.

                Of course I would have looked into it Chris. I try not to ignore messages directed at me. Oddly enough, I even sometimes try and help.

                Anyway, this discussion is going nowhere, and I'm not going to argue with you about semantics, so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this occasion.

                Happy New Year


                My Collection:


                • #9
                  Ok, evidently you're having a problem with your grasp of the English language this evening Chris.
                  Not really .....well no more than usual
                  Of course I meant a PM, but not a PM to specifically ask me to reopen the thread as you suggested in your 'special favour' reply.
                  so you mean PM you not to ask you to reopen it but rather to look at it and see if it could be reopened?
                  What I actually said was that if you had sent me a PM raising your original points then I would have looked into it again, and quite possibly the thread would have simply been reopened without need for any rigmarole.
                  ah finally I get it. I should have PMed you explaining that I wanted to get a closed topic back on topic but not ask it to be opened again! It all seems so simple again.
                  It is nice, and it's testament to that fact that this thread is still here
                  it is indeed.
                  not at all
                  Of course I would have looked into it Chris. I try not to ignore messages directed at me. Oddly enough, I even sometimes try and help.
                  thats nice to know.
                  Anyway, this discussion is going nowhere, and I'm not going to argue with you about semantics, so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this occasion.
                  off course its going nowhere but its good fun in a warped kind of way. hehe
                  Happy New Year
                  And to you see you in feb.
                  All the best


                  • #10
                    See you February


                    My Collection:


                    • #11
                      Here you go Phil
                      made you a quick video:-
                      Tescos you fat arguementative BTS member.... Select samples, create subtitles, and make your own Bollywood film.

                      all the best


                      • #12

                        Now that'd be a turn up, me calling you fat

                        My Collection:


                        • #13
                          Amazing! You must have to much time on your hands with all these videos and pictures that you keep knocking up. They certainly keep us amused

                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            anyone on a tarantula forum has too much time on their hands!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                              anyone on a tarantula forum has too much time on their hands!
                              Now that's something we can all agree on!

                              My Collection:

