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BTS Exhibition 2009 - Spider Competition

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  • BTS Exhibition 2009 - Spider Competition

    It seems that a few Committee Members have been approached in order to establish the criteria fof Judging the Tarantula Competition (strangely, myself, Paul Carpenter or Andrew Smith have not - and we actually do the judging......!).

    So I thought I would give some guidance on what we are looking for.

    I can state categorically that a tarantula WILL NOT win simply because it is rare.

    What we are looking for is simply an excellent example of the genus/species. It should be in pristine condition - no bald abdomens, rubbed areas on the legs and no lumps or bumps apart from where they should be (e.g. Ceratogyrus).

    Please also bear in mind that if your spider is coming up for a moult, it may look a little "drab" when compared to the freshly-moulted specimen in the box next to it.

    As has been stated before, your spider should be in a clear box so that it may be viewed by the judges from all angles.

    Finally, judging the Competition is by it's very nature, very subjective. Everyone has a different opinion on what constitutes a great tarantula and it is very rare that all three of us unanimously agree on the specimen that ultimately becomes Best In Show. However, one with the majority will win. The decision of the judges is final, there is no right of appeal and if you are unhappy with any of the decisions we make, by all means come and politely ask me, Paul or Andrew (there's little point in asking any of the other Committee Members as they have nothing to do with the judging process!) about it.

    If you have any more questions, please post them here.

  • #2
    ive got 50 quid that says i win best in show next year lol

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3
      Can you tell me how the art competition will be marked and is there anything particular the art should be about? (obviously inverts) but i mean anything you can't enter?

      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Originally posted by Robert Martin View Post
        Can you tell me how the art competition will be marked and is there anything particular the art should be about? (obviously inverts) but i mean anything you can't enter?
        In the past we have many types of artwork submitted even a tattoo on one lads back. As long as its related to the subject matter it can be anything that is considered art.


        Serious Ink tattoo studio -
        Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5

          Do they get judged on the size relation of the abdomen to carapace? By that I mean do over weight or under weight looking ones get marked down?

          If so what would be the ideal ratio of abdomen to carapace?

          Could you enter adult males?

          If you can, then how would a size ration of abdomen to carapace be judged for males?

          Is it only adults that can be entered or can a good sized juvenile be included and still have a chance to win?

          Is activeness of the spider judged at all?

          all the best


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post

            Do they get judged on the size relation of the abdomen to carapace? By that I mean do over weight or under weight looking ones get marked down?


            If so what would be the ideal ratio of abdomen to carapace?

            It's not mathematical or an exact science. It's what I feel "in my waters" on that particular day! It is subjective.

            Could you enter adult males?

            Yes. But it might make your eyes water for the first one or two goes..... Should be okay once you both learn to relax a bit.

            If you can, then how would a size ration of abdomen to carapace be judged for males?

            See above. As long as the male is reasonably fresh his abdomen size shouldn't be an issue.

            Is it only adults that can be entered or can a good sized juvenile be included and still have a chance to win?

            A good sized juvenile has a decent chance of winning as long as it meets the other criteria - the competition is not solely for adults. A spiderling, on the other hand, maybe not. Although, of course, there does come a point at which a spiderling becomes a juvenile (and which, to some extent, is subjective) I would suggest you might stand a better chance with a juvenile that is on it's way to becoming an adult, rather than a spiderling that is on it's way to becoming a juvenile.

            Is activeness of the spider judged at all?

            Generally not, though it might be noted if a specimen was clearly "unwell" and the owner would also be advised where appropriate.

            all the best
            I hope that clarifies the situation. I'm sure you'll lt us know if it doesn't!




            • #7
              Originally posted by matthew spooner View Post
              ive got 50 quid that says i win best in show next year lol

              Sorry but 50 quid will only get you third place.........


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mark Pennell View Post
                In the past we have many types of artwork submitted even a tattoo on one lads back. As long as its related to the subject matter it can be anything that is considered art.


                Mark is right - you are only limited by your own imagination!
                Incidentally, tattoos can of course be entered. As long as it's the tattoo artist (you would merely be the canvass for their particular piece of work) and they are a BTS Member!



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pete_Kirk View Post
                  I hope that clarifies the situation. I'm sure you'll lt us know if it doesn't!



                  yep cheers Pete. And yes I'm sure I would have. I hope this is not seen as being a problem.
                  All the best

                  PS Forgot to add that I sent the question about the competitions as part off a list of questions for the AGM to the BTS European Representative, as I thought this the right thing to do. This is why I never sent the question direct to yourself, Paul Carpenter or Andrew Smith. Sorry if this was wrong.
                  Last edited by Chris Sainsbury; 21-01-09, 10:30 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                    yep cheers Pete. And yes I'm sure I would have. I hope this is not seen as being a problem.
                    All the best

                    PS Forgot to add that I sent the question about the competitions as part off a list of questions for the AGM to the BTS European Representative, as I thought this the right thing to do. This is why I never sent the question direct to yourself, Paul Carpenter or Andrew Smith. Sorry if this was wrong.

                    As far as I am aware no questions where put forward on your behalf. I know I was asleep for the better part of the meeting...

                    All I can say is perhaps this was not forwarded on to the secretary by The Euro rep. However it was brought up hence why Peter started this thread.

                    P.S The precise mathematical equation that we use to work out precise abdomen to carapace ratio is only known to those within the inner circle and cannot be told on pain of death - this is a joke btw
                    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 22-01-09, 07:45 PM. Reason: added a bit

                    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chris Sainsbury View Post
                      yep cheers Pete. And yes I'm sure I would have. I hope this is not seen as being a problem.
                      All the best

                      PS Forgot to add that I sent the question about the competitions as part off a list of questions for the AGM to the BTS European Representative, as I thought this the right thing to do. This is why I never sent the question direct to yourself, Paul Carpenter or Andrew Smith. Sorry if this was wrong.

                      It's no problem at all - if you asked it, other people were probably thinking it - well, some of it

                      Also, it was absolutely fine to ask for it to be raised at the AGM. The comment in my initial post was a general one and not directed at you Chris. Each year I guess that someone somewhere (perhaps even more than one person, though that is stretching the bounds of belief slightly!) is unhappy with one or more of the decisions the judges make, but we (the judges) only get to hear about it some time later and usually via a third party. It just makes a bit more sense to me to approach one of the judges directly, rather than someone else who has not input or influence on the decision.




                      • #12
                        Hi Mark

                        As far as I am aware no questions where put forward on your behalf. I know I was asleep for the better part of the meeting...

                        All I can say is perhaps this was not forwarded on to the secretary by The Euro rep
                        Sorry but I have to say that I find this dissapointing to say the least. For those of us in Main Land Europe that can not in any way make it to the UK to attend the BTS AGM, our link is ment to be the European Representative who no doubt is informed with all the goings on behind the sceens with the BTS.
                        I honestly thought that with the AGM coming up he would either submit or be asked to submit any questions or ideas to be put towards the committee that may have came from any members out here. The same I thought happened with the North American Representatives so that instead of lots of different emails heading your way, just the one would come with all the relivent questions, ideas etc from where the Representatives are.

                        Since I have been a member, which admitedly is not a very long time, the only thing I have heard about the BTS AGM is the poor attendence record from the BTS members. The most I ever heard was about 5 members turned up, which I personly think is pretty poor considering the quite large membership.
                        I do not doubt that for some members, most members even it is not possible to attend due to distance, work, money and other commitents but near as dam it,all of them! Come on Guys and Girls if the Committee can bother their ass once a year (more times even) then I am sure as dam it some of you can.

                        Anyway partly because of the low member input at the AGM, partly because I wanted to try and get on the committees tits by giving them something to disscuss other than the cheapest local pub , but maily because I was honestly interested, I decieded to compose a few questions, Ideas and dare I say slight critism (not ment in a bad way) of some points. Its just a shame I feel that as a European member there seems to be no way I can contribute to the AGM except by quite a large expence for travel and acomadation bills.

                        Sorry for the rant (no doubt I will regret it) but just think it should be said even if maybe wrong to say it.

                        Hi Pete

                        It's no problem at all - if you asked it, other people were probably thinking it - well, some of it
                        Thats the way I looked at it also. Besides the committee are aproachable people....well Mark, Ray and yourself are abit suspect but on the whole you can ask most things.

                        Reason I asked though was not due a unhappyness in decisions but just because I was courious to what the entries are judged on. I also thought that if people know ruffly what you are looking for in the judgeing, they could then pick out their best spiders that more or less match with this criteria. Then I hoped in turn, it would make your job even the more difficult to decied on the best spider for each group. Yes I do relise that the show would probably have to go on until early hours of the next morning while we wait a decision.

                        BTW my question actualy read:-
                        With regarding the competitions held at the BTS show is there any reason why the members are not allowed to know what the tarantulas are judged on?
                        To which the answer can be:-
                        nope not at all reread this thread.
                        And all the best
                        Last edited by Chris Sainsbury; 22-01-09, 08:35 PM.


                        • #13
                          Yes the AGM has always been poorly attended.. it the nature of the beast. Yes a lowly committee members have to drag ourselves to meetings 3 times a years and the AGM.

                          Questions are best submitted to the Secretary this can be done direct or via the European or North American representatives. They should pass these on to the Secretary.

                          I fully understand why you submitted the questions and they where valid and well thought out. As for keeping us on our toes Ray Gabriel did this with a barrage of questions that nearly woke me up.

                          We like to be kept on our toes with such questions and I for one appreciate your effort Chris.

                          It is disappointing to have only one member turn up. However we do still have to have a AGM, with or without the membership taking part.

                          Thats the way I looked at it also. Besides the committee are aproachable people....well Mark, Ray and yourself are abit suspect but on the whole you can ask most things.
                          Yeap got that right!


                          Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                          Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            All valid points Chris. I will contact Thomas and find out why the questions were not sent to us. I would add that you can always e-mail Angela with them and they will be raised. As Mark points out the AGM ( or as we like to call it The Annual Gabriel Meeting) is always poorly attended. We hold it because we are duty bound to but I always figure if no one turns up then we must be doing everthing right.

                            See you in Feb mate...feel free to ask me any question you like the answer to which will be " mines a Tiger"
                            British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                            The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                            [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                            • #15
                              Quick Q regarding the box used for displaying any spider entered. Can someone give what is deemed to be an ideal example of a display box. I have considered one or two candidates this year however one being highly strung, I would rather not bring her in a small crix tub then have to transfer her into a larger box on the day.

                              My Collection: - Support CB

