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Credited info on Tarantulas?

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  • Credited info on Tarantulas?


    A quick query:

    Are there any recommended websites i can go to where I could obtain credited (i.e completely professional) information that tarantulas are legal to own within the UK, and that they are not a dangerous species?

    I need permission from my Housing Manager b4 i can own one, u see, and it would b useful to have believable and factual info like that ^.^


  • #2
    Contact the BTS Head Office
    Angela Hale the BTS secretary may be able to draft you a letter on BTS Headed note paper.
    Her email address is on the contact us page

    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3

      I already e-mailed her and she said she would, then she asked for my address details before the weekend,

      Now none of my e-mails are getting a response!


      • #4

        Originally posted by HitokiriSessha
        I already e-mailed her and she said she would, then she asked for my address details before the weekend,

        Now none of my e-mails are getting a response!
        I expect Angela is on top of this for you if she says she will do it Angela will!

        Please remember we do not work full time as BTS committee, this is all done in our free time and its all volunteer work. So please be patient and give her time. I myself work long hours and sometimes it’s hard to come home after a 12 hour manic and stressful day to sit down and reply to 50 plus emails.


        Serious Ink tattoo studio -
        Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          I have now sent the e-mail and the covering letter. Sorry it has taken some time but as Mark says we do it all for fun.

          Ray has been very busy at work of late and we normally process all the BTS stuff on a Firiday for posting Saturday.

          Once again, sorry if you have sent me an e-mail and I havn't replied. I will get to you I promise.

          Angela Hale
          British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

          The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
          [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

