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Hi new to T's and forum

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  • Hi new to T's and forum

    Hi everyone, I have a weird combination of arachnophobia and fascination when it comes to spiders . My house is more animal friendly than human friendly as I live alone apart from my ever increasing collection of reptiles and invertebrates. I suffered a slight stroke last summer so as a result I'm limited in my physical capabilities and inverts seemed like something even I could maintain. I already bred gals, cockroaches and millipedes as feeders for my reptiles while hunting for supplies require for these 'temporary pets' I became more and more fascinated by the myriad of colours and subtle differences between each species of tarantula. After reading several books on them I took the plunge and purchased a couple of G. rosea then a couple of B. boehmi and so on. I should be getting a new car this month (need an automatic) so hope to see you at the BTS exhibition in May in the meantime I could be picking your brains on here

  • #2
    Hi Iain, and welcome to the forum

    As for any questions, then fire away. I'm sure someone will be able to help.

    My Collection:


    • #3

      Hey welcome to the forum Iain,


      • #4
        welcome to the forum iain. And welcome to the hobby
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          Hi Iain, welcome to the forum.


          • #6
            start pickin ! Its only a matter of time before you have more T's than you ever planned on having ! we all started with a couple, the rest is history.
            Good luck and welcome


            • #7
              Hi Iain,
              Again welcome and I see you've got great spiders already! Get ready for the show in May, the first time I went my eyes nearly came out of my head! Remember though not to do what I did. Buy to your hearts content and then travel home thinking "Where am I going to put all this lot!" Having said that I'll probably do the same this year!
              sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


              • #8
                Need a wallet lock!

                I know exactly what you mean about buying, I cant help myself even online. I've found the best thing is to order food - animals then mine - when my pension comes through then pay bills then look at the websites or I run out of food for myself guaranteed by half way through the month. Tasty and nutritious though mealworms are I dont like stealing my animals food

