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Are chile rose really good pets

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  • Are chile rose really good pets


    Can anyone tell me what their chile rose's have been like as pets. Has anyone had the "Psycho Rosie" and is this really that common. It has put us off in the past but there size seems good for a first spider.

    We are beginners so being docile is important.

    Thanks all

  • #2

    Hey I wouldn't say my rosea (Norm) is a psycho but recently he has been laying some web-gathering it up in a ball the grabbing in in his mouth and taking it to the front of the tank! lol Pretty funny, he has his weird moments.
    Great spider, eased me in to the hobby gently-would recommend as into to the ADDICTION! lol
    Last edited by Jamie Brady; 08-04-09, 06:48 PM.


    • #3

      they are 1 of the best spiders docile ive got a nice mature female she has her silly moments she was the 1st t that i got.


      • #4
        I also have a g.rosea, he is very very docile, very aptly nicknamed the pet rock,
        by alot of societies,
        as he spends alot of his time very very still, I would say this is an excellent starter species,
        they are also very forgiving with tempreture and humidity, although they do prefer it very dry,

        but be warned, one will never be enough, I said I wanted only one, now I have four with 7 more coming in May, I am so excited

        welcome to the hobby!!


        • #5
          Mine is lovely. Good natured, active and easy to care for (she is my first ).


          • #6
            given that you shouldn't disturb any spider very much, for their own health, does it really matter?
            Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
            -Martin Luther King Jr.

            <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


            • #7
              I've had my Chili Rose (Lola) for about 4 weeks and she is a little diamond, lovely temperament, and always seems to be on the pose when people come round...which can have negative effects if they dont like Spiders.


              • #8
                ive got 1 adult female g rosea but also have 15 red chile rose's babies.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by paulmaggsy View Post
                  ... Has anyone had the "Psycho Rosie" and is this really that common. ...
                  Our experience is that very few, something on the order of 1 in 1,000, are actually "psycho." When you buy one try to get the seller to give you a guarantee that it'll be docile. Don't be surprised if they refuse outright (pet shops, for instance, are scared silly of being used as lending libraries with extremely fragile live animals), or if they only give you 7 days for a "replacement only" guarantee.

                  Also, if you do manage to get a look-but-don't-touch rose, don't lose the faith. Go get another one and use them as a personality comparison study. (Any excuse to own another tarantula! )
                  The Tarantula Whisperer!
                  Stan Schultz
                  Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jamie Brady View Post
                    ... but recently he has been laying some web-gathering it up in a ball the grabbing in in his mouth and taking it to the front of the tank!
                    My guess is that it's just answering a call to groom its burrow. If it's been newly imported it probably still thinks that this is fall and it needs to hunker down for winter.

                    If it's been in captivity long enough to have adjusted to northern hemisphere seasons, maybe it thinks it's time to resurface and is merely doing a little housekeeping.

                    Have you tried giving it deeper substrate to see if it wants to excavate a major burrow? That might be an interesting thing to do because roses seldom burrow in captivity.
                    The Tarantula Whisperer!
                    Stan Schultz
                    Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Maria Clarke View Post
                      ... he spends alot of his time very very still ...
                      All tarantulas spend a lot of time meditating. Roses are no exception.
                      The Tarantula Whisperer!
                      Stan Schultz
                      Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by James Box View Post
                        given that you shouldn't disturb any spider very much, for their own health ...
                        That presumption is not a "given." Nowhere has there ever been a study, scientific or anecdotal, that not disturbing or not handling a tarantula will lengthen their lifespans, improve their sex lives, or anything else, or the reverse. (Beyond the obvious fact that improperly handling a tarantula can lead to its death if it's dropped.)

                        All that is pure supposition based on personal opinion, not any sort of fact. These creatures have been around far too long and endured and survived far too much commotion and disturbance for something as trivial as a little disturbance to dramatically effect them.

                        Sorry to rain on your picnic.
                        The Tarantula Whisperer!
                        Stan Schultz
                        Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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                        Please E-mail me directly at


                        • #13
                          just noticed this...exactly how are you raining on my picnic? stress is never good if it can be avoided, and as you yourself mentioned, they can die easily if dropped. it isn't worth the chance.
                          this is all common sense...
                          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                          -Martin Luther King Jr.

                          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14

                            Hi i have 2 g.rosea. my first 1 i got was brilliant never had a problem untill it moulted and now it will start rearing up and me lol header. then i got another 1 off my mate and i tryed tolifr her 1 day and she flicked hair everywhere i shown a torch into the tank and the hairs where everywhere. so it realy depends how lucky ya are.


                            • #15
                              Tame chile

                              I had a chile rose and was very tame. I bought it because i was scared of spiders[does that make sence] i had it for ages until i was showed how to get it out and hold it propperly by a good friend. but once i plucked up the nerve that was it-not scared any more and love spiders now-and all because of a chile rose,so they are kind of special to me and would make an exelent first spider.
                              If these words he speaks are true,we're all humanary stew, if we dont pledge allegiance to
                              the black widow.nahnahnahnahnah nah nah

