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Matthews new Tarantula tanks (inc. rehousing the Haplo!)

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  • Matthews new Tarantula tanks (inc. rehousing the Haplo!)

    well here's one of stiggs new tanks. At first we though the dimensions were a bit small but we had forgotten the size of the tarantula, because she is a classic 'pet hole'.
    got the idea from one of Volka Von Worth's papers. Saw them and thought oooh they will be good for space saving and obviously work well if he uses them.
    You can get three of these tanks to share a 1ft sq. heat mat. And it will look nice to have a more professional look to the housing situation

    And we discovered an easy way to get the tarantula into it's new home without causing it too much stress. The substrate was warm but obviously not hot. and the humidity that built up from the subby went straight into the pop bottle creating condensation inside of it, causing the tarantula to slowly lose grip off the sides and give her the idea to go into the new tank under her own steam without any severe risk of escape. Of all the T's we have this is certainly not one I would like to chase after or lose... incredibly aggressive species.
    And apparently these enclosures are absolutely fantastic for eggsac's because they allow pretty good ventilation at the bottom of the enclosure

    So anyway... here's the pics

    and the sulking picture...

    when she starts to burrow I will complete the pictures.
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    Very nice Lisa
    spider woman at Wilkinsons


    • #3
      You may want to start the burrow off for the spider, Lisa.
      This means you can choose where to have it (against the side) and stops the spider simply sitting on the surface all the time.


      • #4
        One of them has started a burrow already. And the other was rehomed this evening
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          Lovely tanks and a very happy spider
          sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


          • #6
            Cheers Nicola. Both of them had well and truly burrowed over night so i think they might be happy with there new homes!
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


            • #7
              nice set up

              Thats a cool looking set up you have going-very nice. Did you say you have 2 thai blacks? Think use will breed them anytime soon-would love a Haplo sling


              • #8
                They are very similar to thai blacks, they are H.Longipes, we have one adult female and one sub adult - should mature this year hopefully. Breeding them is in the pipeline as soon as we can get our hands on a male.

                We do have a juvi thai black as well. Matthew loves his earth tigers so hopefully in a couple of years time we should have a few breeding projects on the go

                Going to try and do some more tanks for our matt before the expo, but more likely that we will add to the tanks afterwards.
                My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Lisa Baines View Post
                  They are very similar to thai blacks, they are H.Longipes, we have one adult female and one sub adult - should mature this year hopefully. Breeding them is in the pipeline as soon as we can get our hands on a male.

                  We do have a juvi thai black as well. Matthew loves his earth tigers so hopefully in a couple of years time we should have a few breeding projects on the go

                  Going to try and do some more tanks for our matt before the expo, but more likely that we will add to the tanks afterwards.
                  Excuse my mistake Lisa :P Sounds like you have a nice collection going, the earth tigers are nice looking spiders. If you ever decide to sell your thai black juvi let me know-i really fancy one of these little meanies.


                  • #10
                    Ahh the Longpipes...not sure why but my girlfriend has developed something of an obsession for this species. We don't even own any T's yet! I keep telling her that they're not a beginner's spider but she just chuckles and says they're misunderstood - obviously she's on the wind-up. No doubt she'll be thrilled to see these pics when she gets home from work.
                    We saw a H.Schmidti in our reptile store the other day - or should I say, we saw the entrance to it's burrow, haha...!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Craig Moore View Post
                      Ahh the Longpipes...not sure why but my girlfriend has developed something of an obsession for this species. We don't even own any T's yet! I keep telling her that they're not a beginner's spider but she just chuckles and says they're misunderstood - obviously she's on the wind-up. No doubt she'll be thrilled to see these pics when she gets home from work.
                      We saw a H.Schmidti in our reptile store the other day - or should I say, we saw the entrance to it's burrow, haha...!
                      I know they're not a beginner's spider, but.. they fascinate me! What can I say. Wish I could have seen the one in the reptile store. I could kind of see one of its legs.. a bit..! Maybe one day. Beautiful spider by the way

                      I'm still team A. geniculata
                      Last edited by Kat Gilbert; 15-04-09, 06:45 PM.


                      • #12
                        yeah they are very beautiful, nasty evil little critters, but very lovely.

                        They have burrowed now so they have returned to 'pet hole' status!
                        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                        • #13
                          Definitely not for the faint hearted. I remember when we got the Longipes and the panic that ensued from just seeing them display and threaten . But we are used to them now. And if we ever have to do anything that might involve close contact with them i always make sure I have someone in the room with me just incase something goes wrong. Plus we do plan what we want to do before we do it so we dont mess up and where possible do a dry run.
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            personally, i've had so little fuss with my Haplos, i don't see why they wouldn't be a beginner spider, provided the beginner wasn't scared of spiders that sometimes dart...
                            thinking of an H longipes from Lee this Sunday if he still has any at Kettering. lovely spider.
                            at the moment i've got two lividum, one giant minax and one minax sling.
                            may be getting albostriatum then THERE'S a spider that deserves being called skeleton tarantula...yet another reason common names are crap!

                            glad your Haplos are doing so well, Matt...and was that the one that was doing poorly then suddenly recovered?

                            Kate...they're great, but they truly are pet holes lol...i rarely see mine!
                            Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                            -Martin Luther King Jr.

                            <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by James Box View Post
                              personally, i've had so little fuss with my Haplos, i don't see why they wouldn't be a beginner spider, provided the beginner wasn't scared of spiders that sometimes dart...
                              thinking of an H longipes from Lee this Sunday if he still has any at Kettering. lovely spider.
                              at the moment i've got two lividum, one giant minax and one minax sling.
                              may be getting albostriatum then THERE'S a spider that deserves being called skeleton tarantula...yet another reason common names are crap!

                              glad your Haplos are doing so well, Matt...and was that the one that was doing poorly then suddenly recovered?

                              Kate...they're great, but they truly are pet holes lol...i rarely see mine!
                              Yeah it just seems to be the initial unpacking/ rehoming that can be a bit fraught with danger lol
                              I have 2 Longipes at the moment one is a sub adult and the other is a adult female.
                              One of my Lividum's got attacked by mites and when i went to dig her up there was nothing but a crusty shell left so i was a bit gutted by that but alas we did not know there was a problem till it was too late as the mites had been living in the substrate away from view. If she was still here she would be getting the tank the aureotibialis is now in.
                              I am getting a few albostriatums soon too plus i just sent my male out to do his business so hopefully i might be over run.
                              The Aureotibialis is a different one i got that is not as HUGE but the ill one is just being so slow now, she aint curled up anymore but she aint moving a great deal either.
                              My Collection: - Support captive breeding

