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New Centipede Need ID

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  • New Centipede Need ID

    Hi Guys And Gals ,

    Heres the new Centipede I just got from Hull by chance , I had a look in a pet shop and was rather supprised , To find a Scolopendra Subspinipes ,
    So i dont no what species of Subspinipes it is got any Ideas of what it may be
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Peter

    Centipedes are as you may know not tarantulas and belong with the Myriapoda as opposed to the Arachnida, which both resides within the Arthropoda. So maybe not belonging in this forum?

    Setting that aside you need to be sure that you have indeed Scolopendra subspinipes before pondering about subspecies status. In order to confirm this species as Scolopendra subspinipes you will need to establish the following characteristica in your animal:

    1: The first segment behind the head should be lacking any trace of a transverse furrow = be smooth. This seems to be the case with your animal in the pictures.

    2: When looking at the antennae you will see they are segmented. In subspinipes there are 18-19 segments. No less no more.

    3: Again looking at the antennae segments you will notice that some are smooth and shiny, where others are matte. The smooth segments are at the basal end and the matte at the apical end. In subspinipes the basal 6 segments are smooth. No more no less.

    4: Looking at the last pair (terminal) legs you will again notice that they are segmented. The most basal segment (prefemur) has spines. In subspinipes you will find only 3 spines on the basal segment.

    The last three character states cannot be confirmed from the pictures as the resolution/focus is not good enough. With a well-lit close-up of the antennae and the terminal legs I would be able to help you better

    If these four character states has been confirmed, you can be fairly sure that you have indeed the species Scolopendra subspinipes. Now what you are asking about is which subspecies your animal is belonging to.

    I would guess that if you animal is indeed Scolopendra subspinipes then your animal might well be the subspecies dehaani based on the leg colouration being yellow. The usual Scolopendra subspinipes suspinipes are having red legs and a maroon body. Some of the chinese subspecies have prominent striped legs and are considerably darker. All are capable of reaching 20+ cm. and has a nasty temper and a very painful bite!

    The subspecies dehaani is rarely seen in the hobby, so congratulations with the critter



    • #3
      nice centipede, Peter! and thanks for the info, Søren...think i'll take a closer look at my pede next time it's out, maybe it's subspines as well.
      we've talked about everything from scorpions to Chinese water dragons here so i'm sure it's not too bad to bring up 'pedes
      Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
      -Martin Luther King Jr.

      <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Ya i got it ID , As a Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani "Mai Chau"

        Thanks Peter - Armstrong


        • #5
          I have kept lots of centipede .

          At the moment iv got Abought 13 Centipedes and planing to get more At kettering And the B.T.S show .

          Here's what iv got at the moment .

          Lithobius forficatus x 7

          Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani "Mai Chau". x2

          Scolopendra Gigantea "Robusta" x 1

          E. Trigonopodus x 1

          Scolopendra heros castaneiceps x 1

          Scolopendra angulata angulata x 1

          Thanks Peter Armstrong .

