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Question on Molting and Feeding

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  • Question on Molting and Feeding


    We have a chilli rose and we are sure its is going to molt soon due to the fact its colours are dark and it does not seem to eat at the moment.

    We have tried to feed it and then if it has not eaten in a few hours we take it back out again (cricket).

    My question is, do we just keep trying to feed it every couple of days just incase it decides to eat or do we just leave it alone and not bother it. Im worried if we do leave it alone, then it may get hungry and die if it actually is not going to molt but i also dont want to keep disturbing it if it is going to molt. Hope you understand

    Your help would be appreciated.

    Last edited by paulmaggsy; 05-05-09, 06:32 PM.

  • #2
    ah the Chile Rose, ah the fasting, ah the replies

    Chile Rose (G. rosea) are well known for fasting, days, weeks, months sometimes years! Its perfectly natural for them to do so and it shouldnt cause any issues. Make sure you have a water bowl in there and carry on as you are - I often leave the crickets in for a day before removing and trying again in a week. As far as feeding is concerned you only need to worry if the abdomen is looking wrinkled.
    The signs of a moult are a very dark patch appearing to the rear of the abdomen, however Grammostola are rather slow at moulting so this might not happen within the next few days, or weeks, ah the fasting
    My Collection - Summer 2011


    • #3
      Just to add....if you're really worried about leaving the spider with no food for any length of time then a water bowl will put your mind at rest.......i had a mature male G porteri (normal colour form rosea) that (if still alive) has lasted well into his third year of maturity on water alone.
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future

