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  • Mould

    Hi there,
    I'm a new member here and would like to say hello to everyone.

    I've got mangroves in my terariums. I have a problem with mould which showed up on the parts of the mangroves where it's in touch with wet peat moss. Humidity and airflow is OK and I don't know how to prevent that.

    Could anyone help me with it?

    Kind regards!


  • #2
    Hi Jozo and welcome to the BTS forum. I hope you enjoy your visits.

    If you have plants in your terrarium you may suffer from mould. Personally I dont put plants in my tanks. They are difficult to maintain and can lead to the problem you have.

    Artificial plants are ok and can look pretty good.

    Hope this helps

    Ray Hale
    British Tarantula Society

    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


    • #3

      Dear RayHale,
      thanks for the answer. Maybe I wasn't very clear.
      I've got only mangrove root (which could be bought in the shops for aquariums), and no any plants (neither real nor artificial). The root is for my tarantula's shelter and for climbing. But due to wet peat moss, the root gets wet too and therefore mouldy (peat moss is not mouldy).
      I wonder if there is any way to preserve the root from moulding.
      Kind regards,


      • #4
        Hi Jozo,

        I think you may have your peat moss too wet. I use a mixture of peat and vermiculite as a substrate and spary it lightly once a week. A too damp substrate will encourage mould and in the long term may affect your spidersd health.

        Let the sustrate dry out a liittle.

        Hope this helps. email me directly if you like and we can see if we can help.

