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  • Avics

    Could some one help me-am trying to find out what avics can be kept communualy?

    avicularia purpurea --?
    avicularia huriana----yes?
    avicularia versocolor-?
    avicularia amazonica--yes

    help much appriciated.


    Last edited by Jamie Brady; 08-06-09, 03:13 PM.

  • #2
    The only communal species of Avic as far as I'm aware is minatrix, though I might be wrong certainly not versicolour!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3

      Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
      The only communal species of Avic as far as I'm aware is minatrix, though I might be wrong certainly not versicolour!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      thanx nicola, the only one i was sure on was the amazonica lol


      • #4
        As far as I'm aware most Avics will tolerarate each other if given plenty space and plenty food much like they would have to in the wild sharing the same tree. I don't think they're communal in the way that pokies are. From what I've read versicolors are less tolerant of each other though.

        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          some have done ok with a few in one guy swore up and down he'd kept hundreds together...but with high numbers, you're less likely to notice the cannibalism.

          i think "communal" is the wrong word to use for any Theraphosid. even Pokies can end up turning cannibal!

          some species are noteably more "tolerant" of others of their kind, but it's hard to predict or prevent whatever condition causes them to become territorial or intolerant of their neighbours.

          i would personally say any communal set up should be considered an experiment, that way some scientific knowledge at least can be gleaned from all the death that's likely to happen.
          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
          -Martin Luther King Jr.

          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jamie Brady View Post
            the only one i was sure on was the amazonica lol
            Can you point me in the direction of where you found the information on the communal amazonica's?

            Give me all your Avics !!!!!


            • #7

              Originally posted by Elaine Ross View Post
              Can you point me in the direction of where you found the information on the communal amazonica's?
              there wasnt much Elaine, just snips in care sheets,

              and it was a.avic sp-sorry
              Last edited by Jamie Brady; 09-06-09, 03:08 PM.


              • #8
                I'd suggest that information is wrong. With the internet there are many people who'll claim to have success with community projects. But they often fail to provide the full details. Its not enough to say Avics can live together when they've only kept slings or had the community for a month or two.
                Its far better to talk to people who have attempted this over a long period and gain from their experience.
                I've come across many threads where people suggest Avics are communal and they go very quiet after a few months.
                It seems various Avics will tolerate each other up to a certain point. A. versicolor do not bode well, with cannibalism setting in on the 2nd instar whereas A. sp. avicularia has been seen to live up to 4th moult happily. I've heard on very rare occassions of these surviving in large enclosures up to adult hood however I've never seen evidence of this.
                I think if you were to attempt this you'd have to expect losses, you'd have to expect co-habitating rather than communal characteristics, you'd need to provide a large enclosure with plenty of hides and you'd have to expect that no everyone would be in favour of the attempt, but everyone would be eager to read if you succeeded.
                A. minatrix seems the only exception, but getting hold of enough doesn't seem easy.
                My Collection - Summer 2011


                • #9
                  hi i had 2 of the normal avics in the same tanks. they used to sit side by side on a branch. the odd time in the night u mite hear a scuffle of them fighting. apart from that they where fine.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Peter Lacey View Post
                    I'd suggest that information is wrong. With the internet there are many people who'll claim to have success with community projects. But they often fail to provide the full details. Its not enough to say Avics can live together when they've only kept slings or had the community for a month or two.
                    Its far better to talk to people who have attempted this over a long period and gain from their experience.
                    I've come across many threads where people suggest Avics are communal and they go very quiet after a few months.
                    It seems various Avics will tolerate each other up to a certain point. A. versicolor do not bode well, with cannibalism setting in on the 2nd instar whereas A. sp. avicularia has been seen to live up to 4th moult happily. I've heard on very rare occassions of these surviving in large enclosures up to adult hood however I've never seen evidence of this.
                    I think if you were to attempt this you'd have to expect losses, you'd have to expect co-habitating rather than communal characteristics, you'd need to provide a large enclosure with plenty of hides and you'd have to expect that no everyone would be in favour of the attempt, but everyone would be eager to read if you succeeded.
                    A. minatrix seems the only exception, but getting hold of enough doesn't seem easy.
                    Nice reply peter, i was just curious as had chance to buy few slings.
                    As you said, its easy to take info you read on google as gospel but who to say they know what there talking about.

