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  • help

    Hi, i am looking for sound advise on my tarantulas, well mainly my new pink toe. I will give you my history so you get an idea of my experience. I was given a chilean rose that had been rescued about 15mnths ago i have been told she is female and about 4yrs old. I went online and learnt all i could about them and found them so interesting i bought a red rump juvenile and a red knee sling in august. I then decided to get an arboreal one and after some reaserch chose a pink toe. I feel i need to know more about them, the tank she is in i feel is to large ( its 15"wide X 11"heigh X 7.5" deep)but i have had no luck finding a suitable one as of yet. Since i put her in the tank she has been sat on the back wall of the tank where the heat mat is and has not moved from it, i moved the heat mat to the side with the cork bark and she followed it so i am worried she isnt warm enough (its 76f) I bought another heat mat in a pet shop but when i opened it to use i found it to be a 14w which ive read is to hot so i havent used it. Is this to hot or could i use it on the back of the pink toe tank? also is it better to move her to a tank that is a bit small rather than leave her in large one (i have a tall sweet jar) any advise would be apreciated.

  • #2
    Ok lets start at the beginning. Welcome to the BTS forum. Hope we can help

    I admit that Avicularia are not my chosen field but I do keep a few of them, amongst other things.

    Did you say what size the spider is? If it is an adult then the tank size is fine if it is a mere spiderling them yes your tank is too big and you may experience problems. The tank should be of the tall type and preferably vented at the back to allow air movement. As avicularia are arboreal then a deep substrate is not necessary but you will need a good tall piece of bark or wood. The heat mat at the back is ok although as you say a smaller one may have sufficed. Still, do not panic a thermostat can be purchased quite cheaply which will allow you to regulate the temp better. If this is not possible then move the tank further away from the mat. The temperature seems ok although a slightly higher temp would not hurt. It is important to maintain the humidity of the tank. I prefer to spary the tank lightly, frequently ( every other day) rather than heavily occasionally. Pink toes are prone to dehydration and slight condensation on the side of the tank is ok.My spider room is kept at 23-25C with the Asians on the top shelves, the Arboreals on the middle shelves and the New World tarantulas on the lower shelves. It seem to work fine.
    It looks as if you are doing just fine so dont worry too much. Pink toes are not prolifice wanderers and prefer to spend most of their time in their silk hammocks. If she starts to spin then she is settling in nicely.
    Hope this helps

    Ray Hale
    BTS Committee
    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


    • #3

      Hi, thanks for your reply she is about 3 inches in size (thats just me holding a tape measure on ouside of where she is sittin on the wall) I think im doing ok with humidity, i have been getting slight condensation on front of tank but not to much. I made air hole's about an inch from the top of the tank all the way around and a few at the front on top to try and get good air circulation. i have about 1 & half inches of mixed vermiculite with peat moss on the floor with a large piece of cork bark leaned against the side but so far she has ignored this and just sits on the wall. I will be fascinated to find out how she catches the cricket i put in with her and to see her spin a web but i guess only time and patience with show me those things. thanks again for your help

