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    Hi, can anyone tell me if you can buy a hygrometer that is actually accurate? i bought 2 trex ones and the tank's both were in would have to be soaking wet (and steaming up all sides of the tank) to read even about 50-60. I decided to buy a more expensive one (well £6.95) for my avicularia avicularia as humidity is more important and yet the only time i can get the gauge to read 80 the whole tank sides steam up which ive been told is a sign its to wet. What can i do? Do i give up on the gauge and learn to judge wetting it enough without getting the sides steamed or is there a decent hygrometer you can get?
    Any help would be appreciated

  • #2
    Re Hydrometer

    As far as I can tell the cheap ones aren't to be trusted. I would suggest buying a single more expensive one, and using it to recalibrate any cheap meters. I have a T-Rex meter too and I agree with you that the reading on it doesn't sound very realistic (though I haven't tried recalibrating it). Also it is very slow to react to changes in humidity levels. Greenhouse suppliers may be the way to go to get a reliable one.


    • #3
      Mate, I had EXACTLY the same problem. Especially with having an Avic, I was worried because the highest I could get my Hygrometer to read was 65 and the tank was absolutley soaking! :-l I had to change the enclosure because I ended up wetting it too much!

      The hygrometer I had was clearly inaccuarate. (Although i'm not sure about expensive ones)

      Since then.. I posted on a couple of forums and found that the best way to check humidity is to just stick ur hand or face near the Viv (if you can do that safely!) and the air should feel slighly moist. I think you'll find that many people dont even use hygrometers... they just go by senses...

      I think if I took my hygrometer into a steam room or dropped it in the bathtub it would still only read 60........ lol

      I think providing a water dish and light misting a couple of times a week should be sufficient.

      Good luck anyway
      R u still down? Remember me....


      • #4
        You'll probably struggle to find a cheap one thats accurate. We have a top spec one at work (in a weights and measures lab) and it wasn't cheap. Plus its huge so wouldn't fit easily into a vivarium. Whirling hygrometers are accurate but again you would'nt be able to use it in a tank


        • #5

          Thanks for all your help, im sure i will be callling on you many more times.

