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Very worried...

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  • Very worried...

    My G. pulchra is behaving in a really weird way, and I'm afraid there's something wrong.

    I've had her for over three weeks now and she hasn't shown any interest in eating, and although she's been active she seemed weak to me because she had difficulty even climbing on to her piece of cork bark, which is lying flat (but I don't know what she should be like - she's my first tarantula and she's still immature, maybe half adult size or less). She is almost always out in the open too not hiding.

    Well, all of yesterday she sat in the exact same place, just moving her legs up and down slightly. She seemed to have pushed a little ridge of substrate up around her, maybe a result of the legs moving up and down. By the evening she had stopped moving and her legs were curled right underneath her and she didn't respond to me breathing on her or touching a leg - I was totally sure she was dead, but I left her there anyway because I couldn't face doing anything.

    But this morning she was moving her legs slightly again - but hasn't moved from the same place. But I don't hold out any hopes for what I'll find when I go home this evening.

    Does anyone have any ideas about what might be wrong? She's had constant high humidity and constant access to clean water in a shallow dish, and the last few days she's had constant temperatures of 25 degrees, but before that the temperature varied a bit with the cold weather we've been having because the heat mats couldn't quite keep up (that's fixed now). I have tried to keep disturbance to a minimum too, and I can't see any way she might have got injured.

    Please help. What can I do?

  • #2
    I wouldn't think this species would have any problems with a variable temperature. In the wild they live in areas where it supposedly dips below freezing, but remember the spider would be in a burrow and wouldn't be touched by frost.

    I think it's just one of those things. Sometimes spiders died for no appharent reason (e.g. internal bacterial or fungal infections).



    • #3
      Can you tell me what the areas are that they come from? I haven't been able to find out much information about this species at all. I think it might be grassland, but I'm not even sure about that because I've heard different things.

      Not that any of that matters so much if she's dead - I don't want to go home this evening because I'm afraid of what I'll find...


      • #4
        Dont be too disheartened if the worst happens. I agree with Richard these things happen. Spiders after are all are living creatures and like us all finite.

        It happens to us all.Even keepers who have had many years experience lose animals. My advice is to get yourself another tarantula a soon as you can.

        Good luck.

        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


        • #5
          Thanks for the reassurance. I really would like to try again - I had hoped that she'd be the first of many, but didn't want to get another until I was sure I was doing well with her. And now she's dead... but if as you say it is just one of those things and maybe I didn't kill her then I could try again. Thanks everyone.


          • #6

            Sorry to hear about your puchra.

            Did you buy her from a shop? and were they the people who suggested keeping her at a constant 25 degrees? and sold you all the equipment?

            G. pulchra commes from an area of Uruguay which can have winters down to freeving levels, room temperature is adequate for most Grammastola (and Aphonopelma) species i have had a mature male G. pulchra feed and make sperm webs at 10 dergrees C.

            I believe the information you may have recieved from the seller may have been wrong?



            • #7
              Try this caresheet:-

