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What an idiot!

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  • What an idiot!

    I bought some brown crickets today got them home and decided to feed my T's. I was feeding my largest so removed the lid of the cricket tub then laid it back on the top so the crickets couldn't get out. As I reached for my tongs I KNOCK THE CRICKET TUB FLYING! Crickets everywhere. I spend a good hour and a half recatching them. Oh dear! I think I got them all. If not they can't get out of the room anyway so I'll get them sooner or later.

    Has this happened to anyone else? lol
    Devoted tarantula enthusiast & Future M.balfouri specialist.

  • #2

    Trust me if that happened in my house and the other half found out I would be dead meat ! Its bad enough when 1 gets out


    • #3
      You'll know if you missed any, they'll be singing to you all night!


      • #4
        True lol can't wait.
        Devoted tarantula enthusiast & Future M.balfouri specialist.


        • #5
          chirpy chirpy cheep cheep

          I keep reptiles as well as T's and managed to empty a bulk bag of about 1000 large black crickets on the kitchen floor about a year ago. Meant to tip them in a bucket but missed shortly after that I switched to feeding cockroaches because I couldnt stand the noise, its like the Amazon rainforest after dark in my house even now.
          I live alone though so don't get any grief for it thankfully


          • #6
            Some years ago I came in from work to find one of the cats had knocked a box down and had the lid off, they went up the sweeper before Fred got back or it would have been dead meat for me too.
            spider woman at Wilkinsons


            • #7
              Not knocked a full tub over but i always get escapee's lol ...i think the rest of the family are used to seeing a cricket hop by them now lol


              • #8
                cricket capers

                Ha ha its not jst me then,i only just got into the hobbie as well,& i strugle like crazy getting a cricket out for each of my 3 soon to be 9 t's ,i put my cricket tub in my bath and catch them single in to a sling tub,then all the ones that hop out can only hop round the bath & are easy to catch back into there tub....
                0.0.1 Aphonopelma Abberans 1cm sling
                0.0.2 Citharischius Crawshayi 2inch+ juv
                0.0.3 Lasiodora parahybana 2+cm slings
                0.0.1 emperor scorpion 5cm ish


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Alistair Kennington View Post
                  Ha ha its not jst me then,i only just got into the hobbie as well,& i strugle like crazy getting a cricket out for each of my 3 soon to be 9 t's ,i put my cricket tub in my bath and catch them single in to a sling tub,then all the ones that hop out can only hop round the bath & are easy to catch back into there tub....
                  Good tip for ya ...stick the crickets in the fridge for a few mins to slow them down if your feeding slings or even easier use white maggots and when you need to use large crickets get yourself a cricket keeper so much easier


                  • #10

                    never thought about maggots ,are thaya good food then ? i live 10 yards away from one of the bigest fishing tackle shops in england lol....its open 7 days a week too,its the 1cm type slings that prove a problem becoze when i bought pinheads thay were to small for my abberans he seemd to want biggerish,but when i got small crickets n put then in a tub with soil ect i just strugle to pick smallest ones as some are to big the babboon slings will tackle any thing that moves lol...
                    Last edited by Alistair Kennington; 29-06-09, 01:48 PM. Reason: spelling
                    0.0.1 Aphonopelma Abberans 1cm sling
                    0.0.2 Citharischius Crawshayi 2inch+ juv
                    0.0.3 Lasiodora parahybana 2+cm slings
                    0.0.1 emperor scorpion 5cm ish


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Alistair Kennington View Post
                      never thought about maggots ,are thaya good food then ? i live 10 yards away from one of the bigest fishing tackle shops in england lol....its open 7 days a week too,its the 1cm type slings that prove a problem becoze when i bought pinheads thay were to small for my abberans he seemd to want biggerish,but when i got small crickets n put then in a tub with soil ect i just strugle to pick smallest ones as some are to big the babboon slings will tackle any thing that moves lol...
                      Yep spot on, quite a few ppl use maggots for their slings ask for squat maggots if they have any for your 1cm slings i think they are only available at a certain time of year tho ? heads up on that one anyone ? i just use standard maggots and chop them in half for my teenies so they can just scavenge on them.
                      I know what you mean about the C crawshayi greedy little beggars lol


                      • #12
                        It's much easier to feed tinies with maggots. I got mini mealies for my new tinies, easier to pick 1 mealie out or maggot with tweezers, I have some 6in plastic ones. I use them to pick up crix and locusts too. Micro's I keep in the tub they come in, I have a deep, clear pot, into this I put a med size funnel,(set of 3 99p Wilkinsons), shake the crix up and pour them into funnel, then using funnel again, decant into white film pot and shake into sling pots.
                        spider woman at Wilkinsons


                        • #13
                          I'll never forget getting into a nice warm bath after a busy day and the chirping coming from under the bathtub! Seriously you'll know if any have got out because
                          A. You'll have a plague of house spiders thinking its a banquet.
                          B. They breed faster than rabbits so if you think the noise is bad now!
                          C. Your cat will become ultra-lazy in the day because its spent all night chasing hoppers!
                          I thought I'd be really clever and get the really big ones for my adults, until one got out, moulted and grew WINGS!!!
                          sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                          • #14

                            a couple of adult crickets escaped from the tub one day, and i thought i had caught them all...........turns out i didnt and somehow one ended up in my parents bed at 3 in the night, my mum was not impressed


                            • #15
                              Yes, I've had a full tub hit the floor. There's a moment of sheer frozen horror as you see crickets radiate in all directions and realise there's no way you can round them all up (Hell, it's hard enough catching just one determined, wildly hopping escapee). After that it's damage control - try and scoop up as many as possible while preventing the fastest movers from reaching any kind of cover. Then wait a few days for the inevitable chirping from behind the fridge, under the microwave etc.

