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Alternative substrates

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  • Alternative substrates

    I've recently started experimenting with substrates and tried something a litttle different to what i would normaly do. I have housed my c. cyaneopubescens juvenile in a plastic tub and instead of using peat i've covered the bottom with pebbles and thrown in some lumps of cork bark, i've also thrown in a little vermiculite to fill in some gaps. I tried this as the t is used to dry conditions. The good news is that the t seems to be very happy in the setup. The t has made some interesting webs accross the pebbles and has a small network of cave type structures. T is also feeding very well. I was just wondering has anyone else tried different setups rather than peat, vermiculite, coir etc and how successful has it been.

  • #2

    You read my mind. I was thinking of posting the samething. Im currently using compost from B&Q for all my Ts, from P Murinus to H Lividum, and it does seem to be working fine.

    But because the substrate does dry out very quickly I was thinking of using vermiculite based substrate only. This way the tanks that get sprayed the most will maintain more moisture and for P murinus type Ts would only get sprayed once...could this work?

    The pebbles idea sounds really good and could possibly work for other Ts too!




    • #3
      I would think if you are going to use pebbles you would have to be quite carefull about the height of your enclosure as a fall from a far less height onto pebbles would do a lot of damage compaired to a fall with the cushioning effect of vermic and peat based substrates.
      Ian M updated 22/06/06


      • #4
        Iv used birdsand problem free for over 12 months. sillica sand would be gud too. Nicer colour than normal sand. looks quite gud for desert/scrubland species.

