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Mateing H lividum

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  • Mateing H lividum

    Ok just got this male today for my moulted female He seamed ok so I thought what the hell and put him in with the female. There both seamed eager to mate

    1st off I put the male in he started vibrating and tapping and crept to her burrow and started to crawl down.

    Made contact witht he fem inside her burrow so he then crawled out with her following.

    uhp there she is.

    then the male crawled round the female and got into persition. The female was up for it with constant tapping to the male.

    the male then lowered himself down and did his 1st insertion with no problems

    he then griped her again to keep her in position for another insertion

    lowerd himself down yet again

    his second insertion before runing away

    well hopfully fingers crossed and she dont moult on me this time

    Cheers sagin to David Hukin for the load of the male.

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  • #2
    These are gorgeous pictures. Can I ask you a question about the technique - what source of lighting do you use?


    • #3
      I don't us eany lighting for my T's they are happy with just a it of natural daylight

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      • #4
        I mean for the photography! Unless you use long shutter speeds (not so good perhaps they're mating but fine if they're sitting very still) you'd need bright light to get photos of that quality and it doesn't look like on-camera flash. I just wondered if you are using natural light there.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Eleanor
          I mean for the photography! Unless you use long shutter speeds (not so good perhaps they're mating but fine if they're sitting very still) you'd need bright light to get photos of that quality and it doesn't look like on-camera flash. I just wondered if you are using natural light there.
          Oh I use a flash (the one built onto the camera)

          Visit my web site @


          • #6
            Wow, thats one good-looking male lividum you have there. Nice pics!

