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  • springtails

    Are springtails of any risk to T's? I ask out of curiosity as I have colonies of the little blighters springing up (no pun intended) in various enclosures/vivaria which along with the deliberately placed woodlice form a sort of living substrate which is self cleaning.
    They seem to be magic as they just appear without having been placed there deliberately but thare is never any sign of mould or decomposing matter on the positive side

  • #2
    No, springtails are beneficial creatures so no need to worry

    My Collection:


    • #3
      thanks for quick response

      The title says it all
      As beneficial critters I will deliberately move a few of the many thosands I appear to have in with pygmy chams etc. They must remain in egg or larval form in amongst the substrate until conditions are right for them then explode into action


      • #4
        I had problems with mould in my sling pots. After reading about springtails being used to get rid of mould on the forums I bought some to try. Never had a mould problem again


        • #5
          buying springtails

          Bought some?
          They just seem to appear by magic usually causing a split seconds panic as I think I've got a mite infestation before I realise what they are and then they start pinging off to different sections of the viv.
          I seem to get them free


          • #6
            just ordered some to put in the enclosures that require a higher humidity, i've been lucky so far and not had too much of a mould issue just the odd spot here and there but theres nuthing like a pre-emptive strike. i've ordered a woodlouse culture too.

            will these thrive on any subtrata? most of my terraniums have a 70/30 pete/vermiculite mix.


            • #7
              springtails and woodlice are the dustmen of your enclosures, feeding on debris, moulds and uneaten food. As such they'll compete with mites at a faster rate and its rumoured they attack the eggs.
              they are perfect for humid environments but they require a level of moisture to survive. They'll therefore be of little value in a dry enclosure but the issues will be much less in such environments.
              My Collection - Summer 2011

