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fly problem

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  • fly problem

    hi evryone i need some help and advise. i seem to have a problem with these tiny flies there in 4 of my tanks i dont know where they've come from and cant seem to get rid of them i've seen them flying round the room itself. i try'de getting them out by hand but with no luck. i dont want to have to clean the tanks out unless i really have to though i'd rather not for the spiders sake. so if anyone knows what they are and have any idea how to get rid of them would be a great help thanks.

  • #2
    Hi Vincent, hope they're not like the ones we had earlier this year, they were a nightmare in a bubble car lol. They multiplied so fast, they were actually breeding in the substrate, so we ended up taking the T's out and then putting the substrate in the oven @ 150-160c, drying it all out, and replacing it in the tanks, we then got one of these blue zapper lights to hang in the spider cupboard together with a couple of fly papers, and that did it. The ones that did fly around seemed slow moving and a lot smaller than a normal house fly, and we felt they came from the damp substrate, or maybe not sterile, although I would say that this time of the year should be against them getting established.


    • #3
      There the size of a full stop and a pain in the neck I'll do as you suggest and zap the substrate in the microwave
      thanks for your help


      • #4
        I know what you mean I have had the same problem in the past with my H.lividum vivs. They are almost like tiny midgies. i think maybe sometimes their eggs are present in certain substrates, and with optimum conditions in the vivs, they thrive. I chose the exact same practice and nuked all my substrate in the oven to kill any eggs and spores. But i must say they are a major pain in the butt LOL.
        2xB.vagans, B.smithi, 2x L.parahybana, L.polycuspulatus, G.aureostriata, C.fasciatum, B.albopilosum, B.boehmei, P.pulcher, H.maculata, C.crawshayi, L.violaceopes, C.cyanopubescens, 3xP.irminia, 2xP.murinus RCF, 2xP.cambridgei, C.fimbriatus, C.schioedtei, A.pupurea, A.azuraklassi, A.versicolor, H.lividum, P.reduncus.


        • #5
          hi michael thanks for getting back to me. i think im getting rid of them slowly as i've been splating them with my hands everytime i see them so i think the numbers are going down. im trying this method as i really dont want to disturb the spiders to much but i will as a last resort. i did nuke the soil when i first set up there tanks so i haven't a clue where they've come from. thanks again for your reply.

