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another species id

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  • another species id

    hello everyone,

    i have been looking at what is labled as an Aphonopelma seemanni on a site called i ordered my first T from here and was very pleased. (an adult A. avicularia) the picture up on the site for the A. seemanni does not in my oppinion look like one. could anyone confirm that this is indeed what it is labled as? here is a link to the page
    my tarantulas
    001 A. seemani 010 A. avicularia 001 B. auratum 001 B. smithi 001 C. bechaunicus 100 C. huahini 001 C. cyaneopubescens 001 C. crawshayi 002 E. murinus 112 G. rosea 010 H. albostriatum 010 H. lividum 001 H. maculata 001 L. violaceopes 001 L. parahybana 100 N. chromatus 010 P. cancerides 001 P. fasciata 010 P. rufilata 001 P. striata 001 P. cambridgei 010 P. irminia001 P. murinus 001 P. lugardi 001 S. calceata 001 T. violaceus

  • #2
    Hi Darrell,

    there is probably more than one species being sold as "Aphonopelma seemanni" in the pet-trade.
    Maybe this post of Eddy helps you:

    Last edited by Tobias Hauke; 28-11-09, 07:38 AM.


    • #3
      hi darrell i have a aphonopelma seemanni otherwise known as the costarican zebra and im not to sure if what your looking at is one of these t,s i could be wrong though as my one is almost black with white stripes running down the legs. she looks like a different spider to the one on that site your looking at. if you go on to google and put in aphonopelma seemanni you'll see what i mean.


      • #4
        hi darrell i think i made a bit of a boo boo with my last reply to you. i just checked out the site on google for aphonopelma seemanni and it seems they do come in different color forms sorry mate. and low and behold there was one on there that looked exactly the same as the one shown on that web page you looked at.i did say i wasn,t to sure about it. i will say though they are a real gem to have in a collection and they are a pretty well laid back t i would say there temprament is almost like a smithi well mine is anyway she's a good girl. hope this helps darrell.


        • #5
          thanks for the help everyone. i will have to look up some of th color forms. thanks again.
          my tarantulas
          001 A. seemani 010 A. avicularia 001 B. auratum 001 B. smithi 001 C. bechaunicus 100 C. huahini 001 C. cyaneopubescens 001 C. crawshayi 002 E. murinus 112 G. rosea 010 H. albostriatum 010 H. lividum 001 H. maculata 001 L. violaceopes 001 L. parahybana 100 N. chromatus 010 P. cancerides 001 P. fasciata 010 P. rufilata 001 P. striata 001 P. cambridgei 010 P. irminia001 P. murinus 001 P. lugardi 001 S. calceata 001 T. violaceus

