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Moving Haplopelma slings

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  • Moving Haplopelma slings

    Hi all, I was sat feeding my Haplopelma's and my C Shioedtei slings and it suddenly dawned that I hadnt considered how I was to move them into new homes when they have outgrown their tubs. So I was wondering if anyone had any tips on moving the more aggressive species. Most have burrowed extensively and I want to cause the least amount of stress for me and for the spiders, so what would be the safest route to go down in relocating them. Would I have to dig them out? if so how? I couldnt find any help for this anywhere. I move my larger T's with half a bottle, but spiderlings are a diferent game altogether especially when the little blighters are entrenched and not coming out. Im sure I'll figure it out when the time comes but any pointers in the right direction would be great.

  • #2
    Hello, you live quite near me.

    I usually move slings just by putting their container inside their new one and letting them come out by themselves. This usually works (if the old one fits in the new one), but having said that, I've got a Haplopelma lividum that's spent the last 2 or 3 years living inside a tub smaller than her own legspan, inside another tank, because she can't be bothered to move out.

    Otherwise, if they are really buried, I would put their container inside a larger one and very gently remove the substrate a bit at a time into the larger container. That's probably easier than it sounds as lots will come out together, because there will be webbing holding it together. When I have managed to acquire either the spider, or a lump of substrate with the spider in it, then it can get scooped up to go in the new container.


    • #3
      Hello Eleanor, yes I do live near you.
      My train of thought wasnt too far off then, I don't fancy digging them out much. Thanks for the advice Eleanor, luckily it's going to be a while yet before I have to move any of them My H lividum doesnt even bother making a burrow, she likes hiding under her piece of bark too much, I started a burrow for her too but she werent interested.

