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BTS donations

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  • BTS donations

    I have been wondering about donating to the BTS, as I have been enjoying the forum and the advice received immensely. Then I was wondering: What is the money used for? Does the BTS publish an annual report, including a financial statement? Don't get me wrong, I do not suspect for a minute that the volunteers, who are very obviously working very hard to keep the BTS going (incl forum, shows, lectures, journal) would waste the money. I think they cannot be praised enough. I am just curious.

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    the club i am part of has donated sums of money to the bts fund in the past and as far as i am aware it goes into a research fund, dont hold me to that though

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3
      Re: BTS donations

      Originally posted by ralfkonen
      I have been wondering about donating to the BTS, as I have been enjoying the forum and the advice received immensely. Then I was wondering: What is the money used for? Does the BTS publish an annual report, including a financial statement? Don't get me wrong, I do not suspect for a minute that the volunteers, who are very obviously working very hard to keep the BTS going (incl forum, shows, lectures, journal) would waste the money. I think they cannot be praised enough. I am just curious.
      Donations made through this forum goes to running this website and helps with the costs. And directly to improving the sites facilities. I do all upkeep and work free of charge and as that's how it's always been.

      The bts is a non profit organisation and all donations to head office are used for various projects including the overseas research grants.

      Without such donations the membership would not be as low the journal would be black and White like days of old. Etc.

      However donations are few and far between. But I can assure you they are not wasted or used incorrectly.

      Myself and Ray worked out just how much it costs us personally to be on the bts committe. Well I can tell you it was well over £300 per year.

      We are all volunteers and get nothing out of running the bts other than personal debt and the satisfation of helping others in the hobby.

      Ralf I suggest you contact head office if you have any concerns over finances.


      Serious Ink tattoo studio -
      Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Mark, thanks for that. As I hopefully made it clear I never thought that there was anything to criticize. I have only been a member for a few months and and I can see that everybody is doing a marvellous job. And I never assumed that you guys were getting paid (which makes it even more amazing that everything runs so smoothly).I am certainly not concerned about the finances. I hope I have not offended anyone. As I said I am just curious. Interesting to find out that you (we) are supporting research projects. That is the kind of information I was after.
        Once again, if I offended anyone, that was not intended.

        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          Hi Ralf, absolutly no problem on asking the question. Its all part being a member. The BTS does produce accounts and statements on what members money is spent on and we announce this at the AGM. I thought you might like to know some of the things the fees and donations get spent on.

          The BTS Journal costs around 1700 pounds to produce and send out per issue, whilst the BTS Exhibition costs in the region of 2000. Althought we of course get most of this back assuming attendance is high. In addition the BTS Lectures in February incurs costs as we have to pay for lecturers hire of the venue, meals etc.( although when a BTS Commitee member does a lecture we do it for free , obviously ) All commitee members pay for their membership and woe betide anyone of them who does not renew. Ask Andrew Smith who can often be heard at a meeting asking where is journal is. In addition we all pay to attend the lectures.

          As Mark said we worked out it costs each of us around 300 to be a commitee member with attending meetings ect. But the truth is it is worth it as we all enjoy what we do. I put the sucess and longevity of the club down to our openness. Sometimes we get a little crabby but thats life and we have some great discussions around the table but at the end of the day with most of us putting twenty years plus into the commitee we must be doing something right. We all have a common aim and that is to make the BTS a sucessful and worthwhile club to join and to give the hobbyist wether they are experienced or a beginner as much advice as possible ( yes I know thats actually two things but hey whose counting )

          Donations made to the club are all recorded and go to the running of the club.

          Hope this gives you a little insight into the finacial side of it all but as Ive said there is absolutly no problem with asking the question and no offence is taken. Have a great christmas and dont forget our AGM is on Saturday 5th Jan. Hope to see some of you there.

          Best wishes

          Ray and Angela Hale
          British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

          The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
          [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


          • #6
            Originally posted by ralfkonen View Post
            Mark, thanks for that. As I hopefully made it clear I never thought that there was anything to criticize. I have only been a member for a few months and and I can see that everybody is doing a marvellous job. And I never assumed that you guys were getting paid (which makes it even more amazing that everything runs so smoothly).I am certainly not concerned about the finances. I hope I have not offended anyone. As I said I am just curious. Interesting to find out that you (we) are supporting research projects. That is the kind of information I was after.
            Once again, if I offended anyone, that was not intended.
            No offence taken matey!... like Ray says these questions are best asked...

            Yeah I know we are mad to do but we do love it, and yes I do get crabby sometimes...


            Serious Ink tattoo studio -
            Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


            • #7
              Thanks Ray, Angela and Mark.
              I wonder how many people know how much the journal costs to produce. I certainly didn't.
              Thanks for the info and again: your work is much appreciated. You're doing a great job.

              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


              • #8
                so if you don't mind me chipping in and asking... how much does it cost to become an official member of BTS? And what do official members get as a result of paying to become official members? As I am very new to this site... ( I usually frequent another site), but am wondering what the "perks" would be of being an official paid member to this site would be ...


                Tania Baker


                • #9
                  Re: BTS donations

                  Originally posted by Tania Baker
                  so if you don't mind me chipping in and asking... how much does it cost to become an official member of BTS? And what do official members get as a result of paying to become official members? As I am very new to this site... ( I usually frequent another site), but am wondering what the "perks" would be of being an official paid member to this site would be ...


                  Tania Baker
                  There are few perks to being a paid up member. Access to the members area on this forum
                  Gallery previlages and extra pm's

                  But the main thing is the bts journal and access to the bts members website were you can download 25 plus back issues.

                  You can join online here

                  Also discount access to the bts exhibtion and lectures.


                  Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                  Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                  My Collection: - Support captive breeding

