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Cycharischius crawshayi leg removal

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  • Cycharischius crawshayi leg removal

    hi all,

    some of you will remember my post from a while back regarding an adult female C.crawshayi i bought that i thought may be gravid, up to now i've not seen any behaviour that would indicate i'd see an egg sac anytime soon as the spider has been doing it normal day to day thing, venturing out at night, feeding etc untill this last 6 days.

    She has started burrowing again, shoveling shed loads of substrate out from her burrow and not been out much untill monday night when she was sat outside the entrance, i noticed at this time that one of her back legs was missing removed from the coxa, and her abdomen seemed a little saggy, a little smaller and sunken from how it was before but apart from this seems otherwise healthy.

    I assume the spider removed her own leg as there is nothing in the tank that she could injure herself on etc, as for the abdomen i suppose it is possible that she may have been gravid and has constructed and filled an eggsac, though without digging her up i have no way to confirm this.

    What should i do? Do i risk digging her up to find out whats going on? Or do I just leave her and wait and see what happens?
    Last edited by wayne balcombe; 23-12-09, 03:22 PM.

  • #2
    Appologies for the spelling mistake in the thread title, i cant edit it and correct it. It should read:

    Citharischius crawshayi leg removal

