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New T!

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  • New T!

    I brought my very first pokie yesterday!

    Absolutely love her/him already, no wonder so many people are into this species. I have asked the guy I brought her from to see if he can hook me up with any other pokies so hopefully I can get a nice collection going! This is my second aboreal after having an avic avic so although its a big step up, I'm always prepared!

    Think I'm going to name her Decoy, not 100% on that though. She [I HOPE] is a p.fasciata by the way.

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding and responsible sourcing

  • #2
    Welcome to the world of Pokies,

    They are amazing spiders, i was never really into arboreals and my whole collection has been mostely terestrial and burrowing untill the last year or so.

    It does become an addiction and now a good proportion of my collection is taken up with asian arboreals.

    Congrats on the new addition.


    • #3
      congrats! one of my favorite. very interesting and beautiful spids. fingers crossed on the she thing.
      my tarantulas
      001 A. seemani 010 A. avicularia 001 B. auratum 001 B. smithi 001 C. bechaunicus 100 C. huahini 001 C. cyaneopubescens 001 C. crawshayi 002 E. murinus 112 G. rosea 010 H. albostriatum 010 H. lividum 001 H. maculata 001 L. violaceopes 001 L. parahybana 100 N. chromatus 010 P. cancerides 001 P. fasciata 010 P. rufilata 001 P. striata 001 P. cambridgei 010 P. irminia001 P. murinus 001 P. lugardi 001 S. calceata 001 T. violaceus


      • #4
        nice, have you supplied it some cork bark or similar?

        I have some P. striata and possibly P. regalis that I was going to offer at BTS.
        My Collection - Summer 2011


        • #5
          I have recently put a tiny bit of cork bark for her to hide in and she's taken to it. This is pretty much my first sling so hopefully it'll all go well! I picked up this decent 99p container from the 99p store and it works a charm! Just put some vent holes in it and she seems happy enough

          Going to go pick up some more slings soon, got my eye on a and a few more pokies! I've also been after a p irminia too but the only one I can find is a male
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding and responsible sourcing


          • #6
            Never had much luck with p. fasciata Got one around christmas time and it died within the week, got another and it also died with the next week! temps and humidity were spot on aswell

